Allah smiling at you😊

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*بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم*

الحـمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آلـه وصحبه ومن والاه

Is there anything else we know that Allah Almighty has prepared for the people of the night? I mean those people who sacrifice few minutes but waking up to worship Allah while others are sleeping.


♻The Prophet (pbuh) said:

There are *3* categories of people whom Allah Almighty loves and He smiles at them and he is happy with them. Imagine Allah Al Malik, the King, Ar-Rabb, the Compeller, Al-Jabbar smiling at you !!

*What must they have done to deserve the smile of Allah (SWT), the Almighty?*

The Prophet (saw) mentioned *one of the 3 people is a person who has a beautiful spouse and a very comfortable bed,* but then in the middle of the night, he gets up and leaves his spouse, leaves his desire to remember Allah.

So Allah Almighty will say to His angels:

Look at how my slave has left his bed and his desire in order to remember Me. And *if he wanted he could have continued sleeping.* Allah smiles at such person.

*What Happens when Allah Smiles* at you? You may think, 'what’s the significance of the smile of Allah?'

Imam Ahmad narrates in his Musnad that the Prophet (pbuh) said answering this question:

When Allah smiles at a person in the life of this world, he will *not have any accountability on the Day of Judgment*. All of the horrors that we hear about the Day of Judgment, will not apply to these people, because they will not be held accountable

♻ Abu Hurayra (RA) reports that the Prophet (saw) was asked, “What prayer is most virtuous, after obligatory prayers. He said, *“Prayer in the depths of the night.”*

📚Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasa’i, Ibn Majah]


♻ Set your phone alarm, with the permission of Allah, no matter how deep asleep you go, the alarm ring will wake you up everyday.

♻ *Start with 2 rakaats every night and be consistent* on it. Because, Allah loves consistency in any act of ibadah. And If you like, you can increase on this, any day you wake up and you feel extra energy and strength. Yes. But don't ever miss a night without HARVESTING REWARDS AND ALLAH'S MERCY/BLESSINGS, by waking up for midnight nawafil (At least 2 rakaats every night).

*Further more,*

It is something beloved by Allah to make it a habit *(Qiyamulail)* and it is *disliked* to leave the night vigil prayer for one who has made it their habit, unless there is an excuse, because the Prophet (saw) said to Ibn Umar (Allah bph), “O Abdul Allah! Do not be like so-and-so. He used to pray at night and then left it.”

[📚Bukhari and Muslim]

Therefore, one should take on an amount of works one can sustain for a long time, for the Prophet (saw) said, *“The most beloved of actions to Allah are the most constant, even if little.”*

[📚Bukhari and Muslim]


Supplications (Dua) in the depths of the night are answered, as mentioned in the authentic hadith. But before you start mentioning your problems and requests to Allah, always start with asking for His forgiveness *(Astagfirullah* - forgiveness), followed by *thanking* Allah for a lots HE has done for you. Mention few of the favors already done to you, look around you and pick some (Muslims) you think have problems in life, make dua for them (but don't tell them about it) as this is a password to getting your own dua answered, then list all your requests, but don't forget your parents too.


Ibn Mas'ud (Allah bph) was asked by someone: '‘I cannot pray at night". He replied the man:-
*‘'Your sins have prevented you.’'*


My brother/sister, Is minimum of *15 minutes to establish 2 rakaats nawafil* too much to sacrifice for ALLAH while people *(Losers)* are sleeping?

Be Wise, Be Smart, Be Clever

*Allah Alone Knows Best.*

*سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك نشهد ان لا اله الا انت نستغفرك ونتوابوااليك*

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