Chapter 12

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~Alex pov~

"Alex, hurry up." John said. It was two days till Eliza left. It also so happened to be the night of a fancy banquet thing that I was invited to make a speech at.

"No, this has to be perfect." I said. I picked up the last ring and examined it. This was it. This was the perfect ring.

~Eliza pov~

I stared at myself in the mirror. My dorm looked bare as everything had been packed.

I wore an ankle length blue dress for the banquet. I wasn't even nervous, just sad. This might be the last real date Alex and I ever go on.

I heard a knock at the door. I went to answer it. Outside was Alex. He looked happier then usual.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep." I grabbed my bag and we walked to the car.

When we got there it was a little crowded. There was a camera crew from the news station. They must be here to broadcast Alex's speech.

I sighed as we took our seats. So boring stuff happened and then Alex went to the podium to do his speech. All went smoothly. Until the end.

"Eliza can you come up here please." Alex said. People looked around. Probably wondering who Eliza was. I got up and walked to the front.

Alex pulled me next to him then got out a box. What was he doing?

He cleared his throat, for down on one knee and opened the box. Inside was a simple yet beautiful ring.

"Eliza, I met you when your sister gave me a link to a fanfic you wrote. We talked and talked and then we met. Some....other stuff happened," Probably recalling when John pretend to be him, "and then after all that we got to were we are. I can say that this whole experience was the weirdest way I have ever met someone. But, I'm glad it happened. Because if it hadn't I would not have met the person I wanted to spend the rest if my life with. So, with that being said, Eliza, will you marry me."

I stifled my gasp. Was this real? My favorite author just proposed to me.

I slightly nodded. "Yes. Yes I will!"

Alex looked relieved. He slid the ring on my finger and stood up. Everyone was cheering. He kissed me.

We got off the podium and decided to leave and go take a walk in the park.

I felt my phone vibrate. There was a text from my mom.

Mom: I saw the proposal Liza. I have decided that maybe you should stay in New York. It wouldn't be fair if I forced you to move.

I read the text over three more times.

I wasn't going to move!

"ALEX LOOK!" I shoved my phone in his face and danced around. Alex caught my phone and looked at the message.

He picked me up and showered me with kisses. I smiled.

The last few months had probably been the weirdest of my life.

My parents divorced, I almost moved, my fanfic got published but most importantly, I was now engaged to my favorite author.

This truly was a strange crossing.

The end

A Strange Crossing (Hamliza AU)✔️Where stories live. Discover now