"Explain now" Sawyer butted in after a moments silence

"How about no" I said in annoyance, these boys just don't know when to leave things alone

"It's fine Em you can tell me later" Avery said in reassurance, shooting me a wink and I nodded before getting up and putting my plate in the sink.


After leaving the kitchen I told Avery I was going for a walk and I'd be back in about an hour and he nodded. I thought about giving him so time to chill, even though I made a big deal last night, he did need his own time to relax after all he's done for me.

I was walking through the park near the House when I heard someone say my name

"Well isn't it Emerson" a familiar male voice said from behind me.

"Sam?" I said unsurely spinning around

"Yep that's me, the boys are hear too, over there" he said pointing to some wooden gazebo with benches under it, Jesse and Taylor where sat smoking a joint, Yay!

"Care to come sit?" He asked, more like told me but what could hurt.

"Sure" I smiled and followed him over

"Sup Em, nice to see you again " Jesse said scooting over in the bench, making room for me

I nodded and smiled

"Dude put that out, don't smoke that shit around her" Sam scolded the boys but I stopped him

"It's fine, can I?" I said putting out my hand towards Jesse who had the joint in between his fingers

They all stared at me but he handed it to me reluctantly, I took a deep, long drag and released it towards Sam

All the boys stared in shock

"You Guys ok?" I asked with a small laugh as they stared

"Erm y-yeah we've never found a girl into this shit" Sam said in disbelief

"Well you've found a girl extremely into this shit" I said back with a small smile

"Cool" Taylor said

"Never would have taken you as the stoner type" Sam said sitting next to me

"Well looks can be deceiving"'I said taking another drag before passing it back to Jesse

"So what's the deal with you and the Cassidy Boys?" Sam pried

"Well I'm sort of living with them" I said quietly and they went wide eyed

"Now way, I feel sorry for you, 8 boys and 1 girl"

"Yeah, not to mention you 3 making it 11 and no girl-friends"

"I'm sure you'll find some bit Hey Just think of Jesse and Taylor as Girls, their names are kinda girly.

I laughed at his comment

"Sams a girls name too" I teased

"Call me Samuel" He said quickly, trying to seem manly

After a while we were all a little buzzed but I had to get home as time had flown by and I was very late for lunch

I said I'd be back by 11:30am and it was currently 12:00am and I knew Avery would begin to worry so I went home

I walked through the front door, hungry. I walked into the family room where the boys where all sat eating and watching Tv, their eyes pinned to me.

Stuck With The Cassidy BoysWhere stories live. Discover now