4 - royally graceful

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A/N - This takes place while Cinder is still Queen of Luna, before Kaider's wedding.

Kai swore his chest was going to burst.

On the day of Cinder's coronation, Kai had jokingly suggested dance lessons before the Annual Peace Ball. He never expected her to actually accept.

But here they were, slowly swaying in the Grand Ballroom of New Beijing Palace. And his. Chest. Was. Going. To. Burst.

He didn't think it was possible to be more in love with her. But once again, he found himself proved wrong.


He snapped out of his reverie. Only then did he realize they've stopped moving. "Hm?"

"Are you okay? You've been looking at me weird for five minutes"

"Oh. Yeah. Of course." Leaning down to kiss her forehead, he whispered, "I've never been better."

Cinder smiled up at him softly, and Kai twirled her out. As Cinder spun back into him, though, she lost her footing and collapsed into him, sending them both tumbling onto the ground. Kai's back was on the hardwood floor with Cinder splayed out on top of him.

"Oh stars, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" Cinder's face was full of worry. "That felt like a hard fall. I'm sorry."

Kai couldn't help it. He chuckled, and his laughter grew until it was bubbling over him like champagne in an overfilled glass.

"You—haha—you fell—and your face—oh, stars, that was hilarious." Tears were starting to spill.

Cinder climbed off of him with a glare, but he could see the joking glint in her eyes and the slight twitch of her mouth. Standing up, she crossed her arms in mock annoyance, still staring at him with a scalding scowl.

"Looks like you're not as good a dance teacher as you claim to be, Your Majesty."

Kai stood, holding her gaze as he reached eye level. "Oh, so that's how it's gonna be."

Without warning and fast as lightning, he dipped her backwards. Cinder squealed and held tightly to his shoulders.

Kai's voice dropped down to a whisper. "I'll have you know, my Queen, I'm known to be quite the lead." Placing Cinder back on her feet, he added, "perhaps it's my student that needs more work. You're about as graceful as a walnut."

Cinder couldn't hold back the smile that threatened to escape, even as she tried to scowl at him. She pushed at his chest, but Kai didn't let go. "I can be graceful! I just...had a bad moment."

As he pulled her close again, Cinder could see the spark of love in his eyes. "Yeah?" Kai spun her under his arm. "Why don't we try again then?"

As they floated around the ballroom, not a word was exchanged between them. Neither of them had ever felt such joy. This. This was the true definition of happiness.

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