3 - letter to you #2

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My dear Cinder,

I know it's only been a day and you're probably thinking I'm insane for writing these letters, but it's almost therapeutic to write them and send them and wait for you to read them.

I miss you so much it hurts. It's probably unhealthy to need somebody as much as I need you, but I crave your presence in my life almost as much as I crave oxygen.

You're everything, Cinder.

You're the last thing I think of before sleep, and the first on my mind when I wake. You're everything in between.

My sun and stars, my Earth and moon.

My chocolate chip cookie with extra chocolate chips (because you're extra sweet).

You've captured my heart. You crept your way in—though I'm pretty sure I put up zero resistance—and conquered it. It belongs to you now, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The day I met you, my world was turned upside down. When I married you, I knew my life would never be the same.

One day, when we decide to have children, I will tell them the stories of the revolution, the amazing group of ragtag friends that became family, the adventures that I shared with you.

I know you didn't have a true, loving family growing up. But Cinder, look now at the family you have found. Scarlet, Wolf, Cress, Thorne, Winter, Jacin, Iko, and myself... we are your family. And one day, you and I'll begin another little family of our own.

I can't wait for that day, whenever it may be.

You are surrounded by so much love. And I promise you this: as long as I am breathing, you will never feel unloved again.

I love you. I love you. I love you. I could spend a thousand lifetimes with you and it would never be enough.

Yours truly,

P.S. Please call me. I need to hear your voice.

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