Chapter 13, The Wedding by Lake.

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Hermione and Draco found a small house by the lake outside the city limits which they were able to conceal with enough magic to keep it off the Ministry's radar.

No one even knew it existed except for Draco's family and Hermione's assistant Lucille.

Hermione didn't want to risk a turncoat telling The Ministry of its location. It was a small house shared with Lucius, Narcissa, and Bellatrix. It was also the house where Hermione and Draco were wed in secret.

For obvious reasons, they didn't have time for a big celebration. The only people who attended were the Malfoys, Bellatrix, Lucille, Theo and Blaise.

Hermione wasn't sure how she felt about Theo after what happened at the headquarters.

"I didn't have a choice, he would have killed me if I disobeyed, you have to know that," he had said to her one day.

She wanted to hate him, but she knew what he said was true. "I forgive you, but drag me by the arm again, and I will cut you down."

He laughed, "wouldn't dream of it, Granger."

Blaise stood with Draco as he put on his cufflinks. "She really is quite a woman, Draco. How the hell did a prat like you pull this off?"

Draco laughed, "thanks mate, I think you are great too."

Blaise patted his shoulder, "no, but seriously bro, don't fuck this up, she is one in a million."

"I know," Draco said putting on his jacket, "let's do this before she realizes it and changes her mind."

The ceremony had been very simple. Lucius was asked to officiate the wedding, and Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Lucille put up some string lights and paper lanterns.

They were wed under the stars, the moon reflecting off the lake. Draco and Hermione wrote their own vows. Draco took her hands in his admiring how beautiful she looked and thought himself the luckiest man alive.

Her dress was simple, yet elegant. The sleeves were long and lacy, the back of it had a deep v that exposed most of her back, while the front of the dress reached her collar bones.

Her hair was up in a loose bun, but had been braided first, her veil had white lilies at the crown. She looked like an angel in Draco's eyes.

The moonlit reflection on the lake caught her eye just right so that the light made her eyes sparkle a little.

"I, Draco Malfoy, promise from this day until my last day, I will be loyal to you and only you. I will do anything and everything in my power to give you happiness. I will love you in this life and the next. I will never deceive you or take you for granted. I will never stop thanking the gods for bringing you into my life. You are the only woman for me Hermione Granger, and I am so happy that I get to call myself your husband."

Hermione squeezed his hands as she said, "I, Hermione Granger, promise you that I will be a true and loyal wife to you, from this day until our last day. I will cherish our time together every day and never take it for granted. I will never look upon another man the way I look upon you. You are my one and only true love, and I am so blessed to be able to call myself your wife."

Lucius looked upon the beaming couple, and said, "Do you, Draco, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, till death do you part?" "I do," Draco says.

"And do you, Hermione Granger, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, till death do you part?" "I do." She said smiling up at her new husband.

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