Chapter 12, A Vengeful Queen.

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Hermione and her army moved from city to city, leaving destruction in their path, taking out those in charge, and replacing them with her death eaters.

Harry's visit to Hermione the night before the crusades had started had done nothing to deter her path of destruction. His pleas fell on deaf ears as he recalled.

That felt like a lifetime ago now. She was no longer at Malfoy Manor either, they had to leave the manor for a location that the ministry and the Order had no knowledge of.

Often times she and Draco would disguise their appearance to avoid recognition. She communicated with the death eaters through the dark mark. She didn't want to change it, it was a tribute to her master, and it was an effective way to communicate with them.

She only showed her true form when she was in battle, otherwise she made herself and Draco blend into the crowds.

She had mixed multiple batches of Polyjuice potion and they would steal things from people's bags like hairbrushes so they could use their DNA and transform into them.

At one point they resembled a Russian couple who were visiting London, and they walked right past several members of The Ministry including Shacklebolt and The Minister of Magic himself.

Had they realized how close they were to the infamous couple, they would have been kicking themselves. Yes, Hermione and Draco had perfected the art of eluding The Ministry and the police.

With every city she invaded, her army grew larger, and her support strengthened, especially from those who she put in power.

Her plan was to remove the minister of magic in each country and replace him with one that is loyal to her. 'Put people in power, and they will be loyal to you forever'. Her victories were making headlines left and right. People were beginning to speculate if she was more powerful than Voldemort. They wondered if she herself was immortal like he was.

The order could never quite figure out where her next target was. Hermione was always a step ahead of them in every way. Even the Ministry was pulling out their hair trying to figure out her next move.

She was too smart for them. She was like an enigma. Wanted posters covered walls on every building from city to city with photos of her and Draco. It was harder to make arrests with the death eaters, because they were always wearing masks, you would have to lift their sleeves to see the dark mark. However, the cities where she put her own men into power weren't exactly trying to find them or her.

One by one the cities continued to fall everywhere she went. People were fleeing their homes afraid that their city would be next.

'She held more power in her hands than 10 wizards combined,' or at least that was what the people were saying about her.

Everywhere she went, muggles could be found recounting horror stories of magical beings running around, and flying people on brooms, and buildings crumbling like they were made of cards.

People were saying if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would have thought it sounded like madness. They had no real way of explaining what they saw, because what they saw wasn't possible to them.

A woman was in a bar telling the bar tender she had witnessed a three headed dog running down Main Street, and it was the size of 3 elephants combined.

Another was describing a creature that looked like a horse and a bird combined into one. A man was telling his family of hooded figures that glided through the air and made the air turn ice cold, and how he felt dread like he would never be happy again.

All over the muggle cities, stories like these were buzzing. The Ministry sent wizards to obliviate as many memories as they could, telling them that the destruction was terrorist attacks and storms.

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