Chapter 6, The Girl Had Returned.

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After the feast had ended, and everyone had their share of wine, the crowd of death eaters began to thin out a bit.

Draco and some of the other younger, unmarried death eaters had chosen to reside at the headquarters full time. Draco had agreed to go so that he could be closer to Hermione, but his parents thought it was out of loyalty to the Dark Lord.

They were so proud of him when he announced his loyalty to Voldemort and decided not to return to Hogwarts for his 7th year.

He tried to leave when he thought Voldemort had killed Hermione, but the death eaters dragged him back and Voldemort threatened to kill his mother and father if he tried to leave again.

After that, he stayed and fulfilled his role by the Dark Lord's side. He had no idea that Hermione was not only alive, but she had never even left the headquarters. He thought he was hallucinating when he saw her at first.

"Draco, you literally have a second chance now. You told me your biggest regret was not telling her how you feel. Now she's back. Don't be a fool. No one gets a second chance like this." Theo was saying outside the dining hall.

Draco looked around for her, but he couldn't see her. "Did you know what the Dark Lord was doing with her?"

"Of course not, I was just as surprised to see her as you were. I was even more surprised at what she did to Crabbe. That was brutal, and she didn't even flinch. What was that?"

"I don't know, but that was pretty impressive. Not everyone can perform dark magic like that. Saying the words isn't enough, a person has to enjoy causing pain for the magic to work." Draco said still looking into the crowd for her.

"I'd hate to be on her bad side right about now," he said looking around. "How much you want to bet Roland and his guys will be dog meat soon?"

"Fuck Roland, if she doesn't kill him, I will." Draco spat.

"You know Blaise and I got your back. Don't do anything stupid on your own." "Thanks Theo, I know I can count on you guys."

"Where the hell is Hermione?"

Hermione was exhausted. She decided to head back to her room a little early.

Lucinda accompanied her back to her room. She smiled at Hermione nudging her as she walked.

"What?" she said innocently smiling.

"Don't 'what?' me. You know that felt good. No one is going to mess with you ever again."

Hermione smirked, "I won't lie, I enjoyed the looks on their faces when he was turned inside out. On the outside I was composed, but on the inside I was saying yeah that's right, fuck you, I just did that!"

"I envy you, Hermione. I wish I had gotten my 'fuck you' moment." Lucinda covered her mouth, "pardon my language."

Hermione swung around and put her hands on her shoulders. "You are okay with me turning a man inside out, but you draw the line at the word 'fuck'? You really are a trip, you know that?"

Lucinda laughed, "I was raised to speak like a lady. I can't help it."

"Lucinda, say 'fuck you'." Lucinda looked confused, "you want me to say it to you?"

Hermione smiled, "yes, Lucinda, say it."

Lucinda looked at her, "fook you," she whispered.

"Nope, we aren't going anywhere till you say it loud and proud. I promise you, it feels good. Just try it."

Lucinda straightened up, "fuck you."

"Still can't hear you." Hermione said putting her hand to her ear.

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