Chapter 12, A Vengeful Queen.

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The Ministry was working day and night to clean up after Hermione. They were calling in help wherever they could, they even had to hire on dozens of wizards just to keep up with the case loads that were piling in. The Ministry was at their wits end.

Dark wizards who had sympathized with Grindelwald and Voldemort had turned their loyalties to Hermione from all over the world. They came from the United States, Russia, Asia, and Africa to join her army. The Ministry had no way to stop her. Harry and Ron were hired as aurors shortly after the battle of Hogwarts, and they too were on the hunt for Hermione. 

Kingsley Shacklebolt was the leading the charge against Hermione personally. He made sure Harry and Ron were prepared to to what was necessary to stop her.

Ron had his own reasons for wanting to work for Shacklebolt. He thought if he could just talk to her, he could make her see reason and come back to them.

"Ron, it's too late for talking. She is a wanted criminal now. She's guilty of the things they are accusing her of. Don't forget that," Harry was saying to him.

"Harry, she and I are supposed to be together. I still love her, I won't give up on her."

Harry rubbed his temples, he hadn't told Ron about Malfoy. Now the time had come, he needed to know.

"Ron, she's with Malfoy now. If you think she's laying up at night missing you, you are wrong. She's over there laying underneath Malfoy."

Ron became furious, "she is not with Malfoy, she wouldn't do that! She hates him!"

"No, Ron, she doesn't. They are doing all of this together. She's fucking him while you are over here trying to justify her actions."

Ron shot Harry a furious glare and tackled him to the ground. "Take it back!"

"Fuck, get off of me. Hating me doesn't change the facts."

"Yea, well why did you have to say it like that?"

"Because I need you to let her go so that we can do our jobs!" Harry spat pushing Ron off of him.

"Bloody hell, Ron, you cracked my glasses!"

He fixed his glasses and looked over at Ron who was slumped against the wall.

"We were supposed to get married. We were supposed to be happy. Now she is with him???? Of all the guys she could have taken up with, why did it have to be him?"

"Malfoy is a prat, but I saw it in his eyes. He cares for her deeply. You will find happiness again, Ron. I promise you that. Our friend has gone down a dark path, and we can't help her."

"That's bollocks, we don't abandon each other like that. I'm not ready to give up on her."

"I'm not either, but she needs to be stopped before more people get hurt."

Hermione looked in the mirror and saw a blonde swedish woman looking back at her. "Suits you," Draco said laughing.

Draco had taken the form of the woman's husband. "Fuck this guy looks like a douchebag. Next time I'm picking the couple." He said looking into the mirror now.

"He's not so bad. I love the goatee," she said smiling.

"You think I should grow a goatee?" he asked looking at it.

"No, I like your face the way it is."

Her body began to change as the polyjuice wore off and her hair turned dark again and her hands became her own again. "Finally, that's better."

Draco's appearance changed back to himself a few moments later. She reached up and touched his cheek. "Yea, definitely no on the goatee."

"Would you ever consider going blonde. You do make a hot blonde," he said teasingly.

She looked at herself in the mirror again, "hmmm maybe I will dress like a veela as well. Yea?"

He laughed, "uh, yeah. That's something I'd like to see." She turned to him smirking, yea well I'd like to see you come to bed one night wearing my panties and bra. Now there'd be a sight to see."

She was reading a book in bed when she looked up and let out a shriek of laughter. "This doing it for you, Granger?"

She covered her face with her book shaking from laughing. "You look ridiculous! Okay, fine, you win. I will go blonde for you one night. Now take it off, I can't with that! It's too much!"

He climbed into bed with her, and she looked to see that he took them off. He leaned down and kissed her and she dropped her book and pulled herself on top of him.

She straddled him with her legs and kissed him. He pushed her back gently, and she sat back. He put his hand to her cheek and stroked it with his thumb. She leaned her cheek into his hand.

"Look at me, Granger." He said earnestly.

She laughed, when are you going to stop calling me Granger?" She said giggling.

"When you say yes."

She looked at him now, "say yes? Yes to what?"

He reached into the drawer of the bedside table and withdrew a small box. "Hermione Granger, will you marry me?"

She clapped her hand over her mouth,  and tears streamed down her face. She leaned down and kissed him and couldn't stop smiling.

"So is that a yes?"


He slipped the ring on her finger and she couldn't stop touching it and smiling. "Draco, it's beautiful!"

"I'm glad you like it." He said holding her hand. "Like it? I love it!" She said putting her hand to her heart.

She leaned down and kissed him again.

"I love you, Draco." She said wiping a tear away from her face.

"I love you, Hermione." He said as happiness filled his chest.

He rolled her over on her back and nibbled playfully at her neck while she continued to gaze at the sparkling diamond on her finger. 

The next morning they drank the polyjuice potion and left their motel room.

"Carl and Amy Bollin checking out of room 394."

"Did you enjoy your stay?" The desk clerk asked.

Hermione/Amy smiled. "Very much so, thank you."

Broken Pieces, a dark Dramione taleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang