Chapter Thirty-Five: Camilla

Start from the beginning

He had a curious expression on his face, "What are you doing in here?"

I felt my breath constrict in my chest, my throat closing up. I swallowed it down and walked forwards as calmly and briskly as possible, "I'm Alpha's handmaid and he asked me to prepare his room for when he got back," I barely stopped in front of him. "So, if you'll excuse me-" I didn't make eye contact and just sidestepped him.

His hand was suddenly pressed against my stomach, pushing me backwards into the room firmly but not aggressively as I expected. His other hand was behind him, on the door. He gave it a shove, closing it behind him. I felt my stomach drop and fear skyrocket through my body. His eyes never left me, although I refused to make eye contact on purpose. He was taller than me by quite a few inches, but not enough for him to be towering over me, but somehow my fear made me seem to small compared to him.

His hand on my stomach send unpleasant shivers down my spine, but I was too frozen to move it. He was still pushing me back, further into the room. I knew I would soon run into the desk and be trapped, but something inside of me stopped me. It was like my mind had turned to a block of ice and all I could think of was the fear of what he might do to me. Not only the punishment for breaking in and committing treason, but I was terrified of his own agenda. Was he going to rape me, too?

The edge of the desk bit into my back as we finally hit it. I still managed to flinch, feeling myself tremble. He was too close to me, his hand the only thing between his chest and mine. His breath was light and airy as it fanned over my face when he suddenly chuckled. "So, do you want to try again? What are you doing in here?" His voice turned hard like stone and I felt my stomach twist in knots. It was the same gut twisting I always felt when Alpha was about to give me a slap for messing up.

My words seemed to get caught up in an imaginary weed whacker, and suddenly I found it hard to speak, "I-I... erm- I told you. I'm his handmaid, Camilla. He asked me to-to open a window for him and grab him some coffee for when he returns... I was about to get the coffee." I let out a shaky breath, "Will you please let me go now?"

He mulled over my words for a second before speaking in a rather curious tone, "Weird, my father just told me he locked up his office and was going out for a lunch with his friend. You wouldn't happen to have snuck in through the window, perhaps?" He glances at the open window behind me, before catching my gaze.

"If he locked it, then how and why are you in here?" I countered, raising my chin a little.

He grimaced mockingly, "Wow, a bit fiery, aren't we, Camilla? I was 'just passing by and heard someone making noises in your office, dear Dad, I went to check and saw this random handmaid snooping in your stuff'." He grinned widely, the look making me squirm. He reached over and snatched the bag off my back, "So, what do we have here?"

I felt my shoulders sag, my eyes watering up as the impending doom came crashing down on me. I was dead meat.

Dead meat.

That gave me an idea, and before I could think it through, I brought my knee up into his privates. The knee jab sent him reeling to the floor, squeezing his legs shut. He let out a howl of pain, rolling from side to side. I didn't waste any time, grabbing my bag and heading to the window. I swung myself out of it, shutting it behind me. I could hear him shouting something, presumably to me, but very well it might've been an alert to the guards that I was running away with top secret files. It was Alpha's fault for being so careless with the files' security.

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