Chapter Sixteen: Stronger

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Chapter Sixteen:

I woke up trembling. My body shook violently, convulsing as if I had no control over my body.

I didn't know if it was from the nightmare or the cold anymore, but at this point it didn't matter. I hadn't relived that dream since it happened two years ago, yet it was so vivid, as if it was just yesterday. My breath came out in quick, shallow breaths, my heart still pounding from the aftershock of the dream.

That night was the worse night of my life by far. I didn't know what he had done until a year later when I learned what sex really was through some pack girls I had overheard talking. However, I knew he was just doing it to help me, as he never thought a stupid runt like me ever had the chance of getting a mate, let alone the King of all kings.

Master always told me I should be grateful for what he did to me, and I had no choice but to agree. He told me that he was only trying to spare me the chance of some pleasure in my life before I died. However, I didn't see the pleasure in what he did. I was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life, and it never stopped. But I had to push those thoughts aside and be nothing but thankful for what he did.

I pulled my head out of the clouds as another round of trembles hit me like a freight train. I looked up at the sky, seeing the early morning glow barely touching the horizon. I looked down at my body, the hand me down clothes Percyus had spared for me having done no justice over the biting cold winter air.

My body muscles were incredibly stiff. Even if I was allowed go inside, I didn't think I would be able to get up, let alone walk to the doors. I tried to take my thoughts away from thinking about the warm, comforting temperature the pack mansion would have. I didn't deserve to be in there. I hurt Percyus. In my eyes, that was inexcusable.

I should've been beaten until I couldn't stand upright. I have been nothing but a terrible, sniveling brat of a mate. I didn't know why he tolerated me, or why he was even still making an attempt at being nice to me still. I knew those days of him trying to be nice had vanished. Why would you want to continue to do something thoughtful or caring for someone who shattered your heart right in front of you?

Maybe if I stayed out here long enough, the cold would kill me off and I'd finally be out of his way. The pack could celebrate me being dead and finally be happy that they don't have to see my terrible excuse of a face roaming around.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" A deep, unfamiliar voice barked.

My eyes widened and I turned my head to address the man who had spoken. He was a tall muscular man wearing a fancy uniform that screamed intimidation. I forced my body to roll over so I was sat on my haunches, head bowed. "I'm sorry to disturb you, sir. I was just serving my punishment."

He stepped forward, a mere five feet away now, "Speak up, runt. I can't hear you."

I felt my stomach twist up in fear, "I said I'm sorry for disturbing you... I was just serving my punishment, sir." I stammered, trying to not stutter my words.

"Punishment for what, and who gave you this punishment?" He said, his tone clipped and professional.

"I disrespected King Percyus. And I gave myself this punishment, sir." I rushed out, seeing he was growing agitated.

He grew angry, "You disrespected the King, yet had the audacity to not wait for punishment by him?"

"He left the room, sir." I cried, a few stray tears running down my cheeks before dropping onto the snow.

"Should I go call him now? Have him see what he thinks about you running off and hiding from your punishment?"

I shook my head quickly, "No, sir, please. Don't tell him, I don't want to hurt him more." If Percyus was still was being nice, he would flip out over me sleeping outside, saying I should've slept in a nice warm bed.

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