Brie and Daniel

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Daniel POV

"Brie is the true love of my life."Daniel thought while Brie was at the arena at Aberdeen Washington.Daniel called Brie:

B=Brie D=Daniel

D: "What's up?"

B:"Nothing really."

D:"Really I thought something would be happening like you playing tug o war."

B:" Seriously just seriously I thought you think of something better."

End of call

Brie POV

"Nikki is being such an a-hole right now I mean she's demanding everything from the authority!

"That doesn't matter Daniel loves me and I love him an we live in the same house, good thing he's coming to Smackdown tonight in front row seats!"

Daniel POV

I'm not going to the the arena tonight I'm going to the bar with Gail Kim and her friends. F*** Brie, she never let's me have fun





If you have any ideas about Nikki and Brie getting into fights comment!

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