The Beginning

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Callum regains himself. "Hello again Nathan, Pete, Rebecca." a distorted voice said. Callum opens his eyes to a shadow figure extract spirits from Kendra and two other people. The three roll upright in a zombie like motion. Callum collapses out again. Callum awakes again to gun shots "Bang! Bang!"  Callum awakes to a crying Kendra sitting, tied between two dead people who got shot by the gun that awakened Callum.
Kendra had no energy to scream so she just sits there in flooding tears. Callum tried to dash over but realized he was attached to wires and surrounded by water with a slim walkway in front of him. The shadow figure appears again. "Hello Callum and Kendra. You may not know me, but in the end you will." says the figure.
"Callum you have noticed that you are attached to wires, surrounded by water. The wires are capable of producing electric shocks and the wires are hooked to a lie detector. Kendra you are tied up between two out of commission pedestrians. There is an automatic paddle hanging above you. While Callum does his test, you will randomly get smacked by the paddle. For a pleasure you and the pedestrians will shake from the vibrators underneath you all." continues the figure.
"I call this the electric eel." the stranger says crossing their arms. Callum scrambles again. "You do know plugged electric shocks in water." says the stranger. "I will give you 3 questions, if wrong you get shocked and once all 3 questions are answered you and Kendra are free to leave." says the stranger.
Callum destroyed by stress agrees. Kendra just sits, a gloomy rain cloud. "Question 1: Has Kendra ever had a DUI?" says the figure. Kendra looks up at Callum, gives a face like a lonely pup at a pet store. Callum stares at her and sorrowly says. "Yes she has." Kendra loses her stomach, becomes a ghost. Kendra is pale like chalk.
Callum looks at the water around him. Rips waving in time. "Question 2: Did you not do criminal activity at the nearest hospital close to your house?" says the figure stretching his left arm out. "I did not do anything criminally. So no!" yells Callum. He pulls his wire and the wire accidentally taps the pond. "Zttt!" Callum got struck. Callum got zapped again for giving the wrong answer.
The paddle swings for the first time smacking Kendra. Hair now in a mess. "You are wrong." says the figure. "Fine yes!" says Callum. His arms grilled and in agony.
"Final Question: Do you think Kendra really loves you?" The paddle swings down for the second time. It bashes Kendra's nose. Kendra looks down. Scattered, shattered, destroyed. Her glory wings curled up and crumbled. Nose drips a red waterfall, puddles of red rain. The vibrations underneath the tied people shakes them, blood looks like it is boiling.
The corpses jiggle and plop onto Kendra and leaves her in a great mess. "Yes! She does love me." says Callum. 5 seconds later Callum gets shocked. Callum now a broken bulb stares into the air. "I'm sorry." says Kendra. The paddle swings again striking her mouth. Carbon walls bashed by pounds of wood.
Kendra is just painted in red and brown. Her hope is slim as her velvet clothes. "Fine no." Callum says while yanking his arm out of his body since lost his feelings there. "Tell me you are feeling better." says the figure. "I do feel better." answers Callum. The paddle swings one last time to rip the background and Kendra fell into a pit. The figure reveals himself "I hope you know who you have dealt with." It was the doctor knocked out by Callum in the beginning. "Now say goodbye." says the man before he strikes Callum with a smaller paddle and tosses him into a pit. "This was the beginning." says the figure.

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