Refresh For The Outside

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The clock is up and out to go home. Know that they and their loved one is doing well. He knows she has gave him the message. Canary in the day, meerkat in the night. Brightly dark times, dimly lit times. Put on their timberwolf jacket and walk out the door. Fresh whistles awaken.
A mellow feeling comes. He got struck by a swipe. Struck down by the weapon. Alive, barely breathing. Support in the mist, nobody is around to see to help. The night full of loud houses, nobody can hear the words of the assassin. An instant pain grown.
Years after this unexpected death, the building wakes up to a new day and new visitors. Callum looks from a distance wanting nothing to do with the building. Sours his emotions, showers his emotions with stress. His girlfriend Kendra sneaks up behind him with a hug. Callum was a statue with a grin, a monster with emotions. Callum rubs Kendra's hand where it is sitting on Callum's shoulder. "Sorry I took so long." said Kendra.
"It's okay. Hope your morning was alright." Callum responded. He turns his head to kiss her hand. Callum pans back over to the populated palace of the sick. "I feel sorry for those people." Callum says. Kendra looks up to view the same building. "People come and go." Kendra replies. "I love you!" says Kendra before kissing Callum on the cheek.
"I love you too!" replies Callum.
They both walk each other home. Both living a couple houses apart. Callum takes Kendra home. At the front door she gives Callum another hug. "Don't talk about that building anymore. You were doing so well tuning down your fear. I'm proud of you and I hope you are proud of yourself. Don't mess up." Kendra says before giving Callum a long smooch.
Callum walks home, fizz is calming but was subtle. Heated thoughts fizzle in his mind. Made it to the intersection from his door. A shadow figure rises from nowhere. Callum walks in inside not knowing of the stranger. Sharp warm interior, glad to be home. Buttered to sleep, slipping in his big oven.
A small quake awakens Callum from his slumber. He claims a shaking phone out of his pocket. Kendra sent him a voice message. "Could you please come by my place again?" Callum in a huff gets up from relaxation.
Callum darts out to Kendra's house and the dark figure stands unsure what is going on with the rush of his new encounter. The right fist of the figure rises and shakes with a slight sight of shaking. A branch to the wind, questions whether to break. A chain holding ones power in the air. "A refresh for the outside?" the shadow figure says in a distorted tone. The figure steps on to the others house.
Callum makes it to Kendra's house. He steps up to the door and realizes the door was unlocked. "Carefree in danger, an animal waiting for a cross hair I wonder?" thinks Callum. He walks in all screen defensed house. The figure struts up to the houses intersection. The figure chuckles while twiddling their fingers.

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