Chapter 12: The Truth

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"Duncan, what's the anatomy of a black hole?" he snorted.

"They're mainly formed by a singularity and a Schwarzchild radius."

"Which is the region which not even light can turn." Mr Taylor stated, smiling brightly "Do you understand now?"

"Not really."

The teacher rolled his eyes, ruffling Edith's hair slightly.

"I think every person is a universe. There are as many cells, as many atoms in a human as stars in the whole world. Feelings would be black holes, because of obvious reasons." he explained, full of passion. Edith felt small and huge at the same time, she had never really thought about it, though it made a lot of sense when he said it "If people bottle up their feelings, they get to a point of no return. A spot where not even light can escape. And then we don't know what might happen."

Mr Taylor sighed, acknowledging Edith's silence and getting to his feet. The teacher walked out of classroom but stopped abruptly once Edith spoke up.

"Chance tried to abuse me."


The only thing worse than feeling about to die was having to deal with a furious Raven. Edith didn't know if she had ever seen the blue woman feeling any emotion besides anger. If the blonde was honest, she wasn't really in the mood to handle any of Raven's bullshit.

Kurt and Edith sat in front of the Professor's office as he and Hank listened intently to the blue male describing what went wrong. He left some of the details aside, to save them both from embarrassment probably. The blonde felt dejected and lost. As if, Raven's lack of faith was justified. As if Charles' hope in her was misplaced. Edith knew she should've been able to handle it. Still, something went wrong. Something went wrong and she lost control of her mutation.

The blonde felt a thousand times more alone when Kurt was dismissed and she had to face the challenge by herself. The German gave her a comforting glance before bamfing away.

"Edith, can you explain what you felt?" Hank snapped her out of her thoughts.

Before the teen could open her mouth, Raven interrupted.

"This is ridiculous. I told you she wasn't ready! Duncan has no power whatsoever to handle the outside world when she just goes over the easy parts like they're a big challenge." she scoffed, turning towards her "You're proving my point more and more. Duncan, you're hesitant, uncertain and weak. And you're not going to improve as long as you don't try."

Edith swallowed the lump in her throat, glaring at Raven.

"If you can't see me trying my best then you mustn't be looking," she mumbled, choosing to ignore the blue woman. Edith turned towards Hank, finally answering his question "I don't know what I felt. It was really weird.

It was as though I could feel everything around me. I couldn't see it but I sensed it. Everything. I felt one with the world, with everyone and everything." Edith thought briefly of the image of the sea, still plastered in her mind "What do you think it could mean?"

Hank looked as though the blonde had revealed the best secret he could've ever heard, thinking to himself and making Charles smile.

"Yes, Hank, you should tell her. She has all the right to know," he said.

"What?" Raven interrupted, sounding confused.

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