Thirty-One: Wizard

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Prompt: While cleaning your attic, you find a box of glass balls with names on them. You accidentally drop one, and as soon as it shatters, a person appears.

(A/N): By the way, there is a swear word at the end.

You grumbled as you swept up a pile of dust into an old dustpan laying in some forgotten corner of the attic. Some dust flew into your nose, and you sneezed. The house made a large cracking sound, as it always does, but it startled you nonetheless. You groaned in frustration as you wiped your nose for the nth time and told yourself ghosts do not exist for the nth time again. You threw down the broom in frustration and plume of dust rose up and dirtied your white shirt. You plopped down on the floor in frustration, a heavy thump shaking the multitude of boxes in the room. You cursed at how your family didn't own any wireless vacuums and let your head fall back heavily on the box behind you. The sound of glass clinking a little too loudly together sounded throughout the room. You froze and looked at the box behind you. Shoot, did you just break some snow globes or something? You opened the box and saw a bunch of glass balls. You picked up one to inspect if it was cracked or not. As you examined the crystal ball, you couldn't help but notice the large name imprinted on it.

It read out Raxe. The inside of the ball was filled with a light blue and green mist thing that seemed to move on its own. What a strange thing. You finished inspecting it and put it on the floor and examine all the other glass balls, putting them all on the floor. All of them had some sort of name on it, varying in different lengths and languages, and mists swirling about inside of the glass. Finally, you had finished seeing if any of them were cracked, none of them were (thankfully), and started putting them in the box. You picked up the ball that had the name 'Raxe' imprinted on it. You started to put it back in when it slipped from your fingers and landed on the rest of the crystal balls with a crash. The ball shattered and the mist rose up and swirled around each other and rose up, towering over you. The mist was like a hurricane in its appearance, swirling around itself faster and faster until the wind blowing around you became sharp and painful. The mist then abruptly stopped and parted like a curtain. Inside was a tall woman, floating, large purple leather wings spread out from behind her. A beautiful pair of purple horns sat atop her head and her pointed ears twitched like a cat. Her skin was a pale pink, and she wore a long flowy dress that was the same blue and green as the mist. The colors on her dress seemed to constantly be moving like magic. Her head was bald but that only seemed to exemplify their magnificence.

The woman's eyes blinked open as if she had been asleep for awhile. The woman raised a delicate hand to her face and rubbed her face. The whites of her left eye was completely blue while her right eye was green. You gaped at her. Wow, she was just-

"Who the Xet are you?" The woman growled as she floated down towards the remaining crystal balls. You quickly shoved her, so her trajectory wasn't right above the glass orbs. You kneeled down onto the ground to frantically examine the rest of the balls. To your surprise and relief, none of them were cracked or broken.

"How dare you push the great and powerful Raxe?!" She howled. One of the boxes started shaking, and a bunch of stagmalite looking things hurtled towards you. They sliced through the air like a 1000 degree knife through warm butter. You threw an arm up, as if that would protect you, and shut your eyes. You heard a large crack of lightning and the hard clank of metal on wood. You peeked your eyes open in time to see a white cloudy force field surrounding you before it faded away. The girl's pupiless eyes widened, and she dropped to the floor and bent the knee.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know that you are my new master." The girl bowed her head down. You stood there dumbfounded. What?

"Aaauummmmmm... Rise?" You questioned. You weren't sure of what to say to the magic girl. The girl quickly rose to her feet and the stalagmites in front of you gathered around her and circled around her.

"So, uh, Raxe," you stammered, "you stay here. I have to do something real quick." She nodded, and you smiled at her before rushing down the attic stairs. You slammed open your bedroom door and quickly called your mom. The phone rang two times before your mom picked up.

"Hi mom, would you care to explain the glass balls in the attic that when they shatter a thing appears?!" You shouted at the phone.

"Oh, uh, right. Well, you see, you might be descended from a long line of ...wizards that created those... familiars to protect our family from enemies." You placed your phone down, and threw up. Wizards, in this world, were persecuted by fire. And, you just found out you're a witch wizard thing. Fuck.

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