Seven: Sisters

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(A/N): Mrs. Potatohead belongs to Melanie Martinez

    "Kids forever. Kids forever. Baby soft skin turns into leather. Don't be dramatic, it's only some plastic, no one will love you if you're unattractive." I sang along to the radio in my car. I had just gotten off at work for our Christmas break. Thank God. Way too many people want plastic surgery. At least I'm off work now. I pulled up into my driveway and parked my car. I shut off the car and opened the metal door. A blast of cool air hit me as I opened the door.Humming the tune of Mrs. Potatohead by Melanie Martinez, I shut the car door and locked it. I opened my front door and quickly walked inside. Then, I shut the door. I threw my keys on the kitchen counter and stripped my coat off me. I hung my purse and coat up on the coat rack and pulled out my phone. Then, I fixed myself a mug of hot chocolate. As I waited the cup of milk to warm up in the microwave, I scrolled through my emails. While I was reading one of my emails, my phone buzzed and my mom's face appeared on the screen. Of course my mom would call me.

    "Hi Mom."

    "Hi honey! What are you doing right now?" The microwave beeped, and I put my phone on loudspeaker and set it on my kitchen counter.

    "I'm making myself some hot chocolate." I replied as I took out the warm mug of milk.

    "Well that's nice. Could you come over for Christmas? Your father and I would really appreciate it." I took out a hot chocolate packet and ripped it open.

    "Is (Sister or best girl friend name) gonna be there?" I said as I watched powder fall into the warm milk.

    "Your sister?" I could almost see my moms nose crinkle in disgust. I sighed as I crumpled the empty hot chocolate packet and threw it into the trash.

    "I'll come home on Christmas if S/BGF is there." I stirred the contents in my mug and watched as the powder dissolved into the milk, turning it into a light shade of brown.

    "Fine. I'll give her a call." I smiled and took a deep gulp of the sugary drink.

    "I'll call her. Bye mom. I love you."

    "Okay. I love you too." Then, my emails were back onto the phone screen. I took my phone into my hands and exited out of the emails app. I pressed the small app on my phone with one of those old time phones as the picture. I clicked on my sister's phone number. The phone rang and echoed throughout my empty house. It rang once. Then twice. Then three ti-

    "Hey Y/N! How are you? Sorry it took me a while to pick up the phone. I was painting." I chuckled at the sound of my sister's breathless voice. "No worries S/BGF. I'm good. How's the painting going?"

    "It's going great! I'm almost done with the face! Just gotta finish the background now." I sipped on my chocolate drink as I listened to her talk. "But I have no ideas for a background. Actually, it kinda looks good with just a blank background. Wait, scratch that. I don't like it. Nevermind. Oh! Did I tell you about my boyfriend? Wait. You met him last week. Um. Well, how's your work going?"

    "It's going okay. Too many people want plastic surgery nowadays." I finished my hot chocolate and placed the empty mug in the sink.

    "Well, why didn't you become an animator then? You always wanted to be a Disney animator." I laughed sadly. "Our parents disapproved. But that's not why I called you. Mom is making me come over for Christmas, and I made her agree to let you come."

    "Ok! I need to finish my painting soon. The deadline is in two days, but I'll be at the Christmas party! Bye! Love you!" Then, the phone call ended.

    "I love you too, sis."

Short StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora