“What happened?” My lips wobbled but I struggled to stay strong.

“They tried to take you from me Kara. They took Diego, the man’s wife I mean. I tried running away from my then boss’s place but someone was sent to escort me over to their house for a chat with her and I knew they were going to do something bad to me and take you away. That person they sent was Alfredo. He fell in love with me and I convinced him to escape with me though he wanted to go over and shoot the man and his wife after I told him what had transpired between me and the man.” She narrated with sad eyes.

My heartbeat accelerated at the mere thought of her going through all these, especially when she just put to bed. Stephano was quiet all through. He led me to the loveseat in mama’s room while Diego helped mama sit on the bed. I blinked as tears blurred my vision.

“Number one, mama. You were assaulted and the man’s wife wanted to take me from you when I was born. You must’ve suffered a great deal.” I ran into her arms and hugged her tightly as sobs wracked over my body. She didn’t reply me but patted my head with red eyes. “Two. They took your son, my brother and only sibling!” I screamed. By now I was choking on my sobs.

“Three, Papa is not my biological father. Poor man. He’s the only man I’ll ever recognize as my father.” I croaked and finally broke down, going on my knees and rocking back and forth. How would he have felt, taking care of me all these years and giving me so much love. Didn’t he try to have a child with mama?

I slipped from her hold and allowed myself slouch onto the carpet, not caring if my dress was ruined. Then strong arms wrapped around me and helped me walk back to the loveseat, placing me on his thighs and rubbing my back. Stephano’s eyes were blank, I couldn’t read a single expression in them as I looked deeply into his icy blues.

His jaws were set tight and muscles hard. His hold on me was possessive and I allowed it as hearing his stable breath intake somewhat calmed me. Stephano rubbed my shoulders and I leaned into him. He adjusted my shoulder to rest on his chest while sitting comfortably behind me.

“He loved you.” Mama whispered.

“Such a sweet man. He took care of me, laid an example of what fathers are actually like. Of course he was my father. My only Papa.” I blinked to clear my blurry vision.
Diego held mama firmly by the shoulders. He looked really mad, ready to kill.

“When I was growing up, I was quite a spoilt child who lacked discipline and my Nanny never failed to remind me that. There was this thing she used to say in an adage about how ‘the son would always long for his own genuine source’ but it was in thick language and I never really understood. Then later, she stopped working under the service of those people that called themselves my parents.” His expression got even harder. Something I’d never witnessed with him before. “When I heard Nana was seriously sick in October two years ago, I paid her a visit. She was doting on me throughout, not like the way they described her sickness because she was as strong as a horse. She told me she was not sorry for not pampering me and showing me the average man’s way of life unlike the Mathews had done, who had claimed to be my parents. Then she told me the Matthews were not my parents.”

Mama gasped as he said this and fresh tears pulled out of her eyes.

“Mr. Matthews! May God judge you! You told me you needed a help and came up with a crap story!” Her eyes got furious. “You used me brutally and then told your wife I seduced you. Then you collected my baby, my sweet boy.” Diego comforted her with soothing words till she stopped cursing.

“She showed me a picture of your younger self and asked me to call you by Selena when I meet you, since that was your real name. So I have been searching for you ever since because she said you were in Sicily but you refused to give her your actual house address before you last mailed each other over ten years ago. Then one day I stumbled upon Kara at a hospital where I stopped to just do some random checkups and I...I just liked her. She reminded me so much of the woman in the picture. I wanted to know you better Kara, but you were mostly busy and I didn’t want to be a burden by being overbearing so I stayed away for a while.”

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