Chapter 33

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You and Tamaki called everyone into the living room

"Mom?" Mystic asks as she holds Ayato who was asleep in her arms

"Well me and Tamaki have some more news to tell you all." You say and mystic and Xavier were confused what other news would you both have they already knew your engaged now what?

"Yes we do." Tamaki says smiling at you as he wrapped an arm around your waist

"So mom what is it you need to tell us?" Mystic asks and you put a hand where the baby would be

"Well I'm pregnant." You say and everyone stops and the twins and serenity jump up and down

"Yay we won't be the youngest!" They say and you and Tamaki laugh

Xavier didn't look that happy and mystic looked kinda sad

*Great now I'm gonna have a little half sibling and soon my dad is gonna be marrying Mrs l/n and then she'll be my step mom and mystic will be my step sister just great* Xavier thinks as he sinks Into the couch

Xavier was happy for his dad and all but still he was also sad

Tamaki put a hand where the baby would be and smiled at you and you smile back at him

|A few hours later|

You and Tamaki were laying on the bed and Tamaki was rubbing where the baby would be

"We have so much to plan." Tamaki says and you nod

"We do but we shouldn't stress ourselves out."

"I know y/n I love you."

"I love you too Tamaki."

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