Fifteen 💦

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Tyler was rushed to the hospital. He was put on heavy breathing treatment and given heavy doses of medication. His life was on the brink of death.

Josh tried to go in and help, but he was blocked away by the doctors. He wanted to see him live, but those thoughts started to fade.

Hours rolled by, then days, then weeks. Josh was impatient, and he was afraid Tyler was dead.

A few days later, he was finally called in to see the doctor.

"What's your relation to Mr. Joseph?" He asked.

"I'm his co-worker, and he's my boyfriend of 2 years."

"Well, he's very lucky to be alive."

When Josh heard what he said, he was so relieved.

"Oh thank god."

"But he warned." The doctor said. "The traces of chlorine we found in Tyler's system were extremely high. If he takes at least one drink from it again, he will die."

The doctor touched my hand.

"You're the only one who can prevent this from happening again."

Josh became very scared for Tyler's life. Because he would be the one to prevent him from dying.

But he was willing to do whatever it took to keep him alive.

Meanwhile, Tyler laid in the hospital. His eyes were closed but he was awake.

After the stomach pumping, and the long weeks of hanging on to life, he just wanted to give up.

Then one of the nurses came to see him. She stood over him.

"You're very lucky to be alive." She said. "That much chlorine could of killed you. You must stop it before it's too late."

Tyler refused to listen. Until Ned appeared to him once again.

"You have to Tyler, it's the only way to live."

Chlorine [Joshler]Where stories live. Discover now