Seven 💦

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Tyler and Josh sat together on the couch watching tv after a long day at work.

Tyler snuggled next to friend because he felt safe with him. Josh felt safe next to Tyler as well.

They never left each other's side.

However, Tyler became sad. He felt Josh didn't appreciate him anymore because of his mental health issues.

"Joshie, do you like me?" He asked him.

Josh cupped Tyler's face and looked upon him, smiling.

"Of course I do." He said. "I'll always like you. You're everything to me."

When he said those words to him, Tyler broke down crying. He buried his face in Josh's face and cried his heart out.

"Baby, what's the matter?"

"I feel like you don't care about me."

"I do care about you Tyler, you just worry me all the time, with your sicknesses."

"I'm sorry Josh, it's hard to take care of myself."

Josh rubbed Tyler's cheeks.

"I know sweetie, but I can help you."

"It's okay Josh, I'll be fine."

"No please Tyler, I wanna help you. I love you."

When he said that, he kissed Tyler on the cheek and hugged him to his chest.

"I love you so much. I want you to be mine forever."

Tyler smiled, still crying.

"I want you to be mine too."

The boy looked into Josh's eyes and lightly kissed him on the lips.

However, he immediately regretted it, because he didn't think Josh loved him that way, but Josh was not weirded out by what Tyler did. He kissed him back.

Tyler was shocked. At first he didn't think Josh would love him the way he wanted him to, but that changed his mind.

But not fully.

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