How do I get over my ex?

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Getting over an ex is really hard.

But if he left you did he really care or love you like he said?

He was part of your journey not your destination. It's hard and difficult to understand that things will get better.

If you put your heart and soul into someone and he doesn't respect you, love you or treat you the way you need then what's the point?

You miss the feeling of being held and cared for. But you are a strong independent women you don't need no man.

You need to focus on how to make yourself better until you find someone who will treat you like the queen you are!

Do things you love and enjoy doing. Find new hobbies. Try new things! Spend time with family or friends and don't hold out on them!

Don't question why he didn't want to stay with you. Don't try to change yourself to fit his needs and wants.


Trust me I know.

If you need help or want to talk to me pm me Xx_believeinyou_xX


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