Chapter sixteen

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5 months later..

It was around the time that Magnus was going to give birth. He has been having trouble getting around Alec's house, with the help of Alec, of course, he was happy. Maryse has stopped over at Alec's house to see how the baby was doing. Magnus was very emotional around the time of birth, waiting to see their little miracle, of in Alec's opinion, their little mango.

Alec and Magnus were cuddled on Alec's bed, watching TV. Alec nudged Magnus' shoulder, indicating he wanted to ask him something.

"Magnus, can we go out to dinner tonight?" Alec asked.

"Are you really wanting your pregnant Omega to go out to dinner?" Magnus asked back.

"If it's not to much to ask." Alec said.

"Fine, it's already, 6, so we can go in the next hour in a half?" Magnus said, looking up at his Alpha.

"Yeah, that's fine." Alec said, planting a kiss to Magnus' forehead.

Magnus got up, slowly and waddled to the bathroom to get ready. Alec stood up to and walked over to his closet and picking out the one, and only, suit he had. He put it on in the middle of his bedroom.

An hour later, Magnus was finally ready, his shirt bulging from the 9 month pregnancy he has been holding up.

Alec and Magnus walked towards the beach. Magnus was confused, he thought they were going to a restaurant.

"Alec, I thought you said we were going out." Magnus said, looking up at Alec.

"We are going out, just not to a restaurant." Alec clarified.

Alec brought Magnus to a little set he prepared. A table with a few candles lit, dinner prepared for both Alec and Magnus. The view of the beautiful sun set over the ocean.

"Alexander, you did this?" Magnus cried.

"Yes, baby. You deserve a nice night with me. I hope it's not to much." Alec said, wrapping his arms around Magnus' waist.

"Baby, it's beautiful." Magnus said.

Alec and Magnus sat down opposite each other, tucking into their food. Alec got Magnus a medium rare with mash potatoes and veggies, and he got himself a club sandwich with fries. Alec started talking to Magnus about their future. Nothing major, like where they were going to live, how they will have their wedding when the have it, and baby names.

They both finished their dishes and started watching the sun set. Alec kept sneaking glances at Magnus and stood up.

"Magnus Bane." Alec started, getting down on one knee. Magnus looked at him and stared tearing. "I love you, so much and I would love to spend the rest of my live with you, and our baby. Will you, Magnus Bane, make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Alec asked, pulling out a red velvet ring box and opening it.

"Alexander, y-yes. I-I will m-marry y-you." Magnus cried and pulling Alec in for a kiss.

Magnus rested his forehead against Alec's while Alec put the ring on Magnus' finger.

"I love you so much Magnus Bane." Alec cried.

"I love you, too, Alexander Lightwood." Magnus sobbed.

Alec stood up and sat back down in his chair. They finished watching the sun set and then started walking back to Alec's.

Magnus kept looking at his ring, sobbing at how beautiful the ring was. Alec did a good job picking out the right ring for his future husband.

They were almost at Alec's when Magnus stopped him.

"Mags, whats wrong?" Alec asked.

"I-I think, m-my water b-broke." Magnus yelped. "Holy shit." Magnus clutched his stomach, feeling a contraction coming.

"Baby, we will get you to the hospital right now." Alec panicked.

Alec pulled his phone from his pocket and called 911. He told them their location and they waited 5 minutes and they were off to the hospital.

AN: Hey guys, I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a long time. I wasn't in the mood to write. I have been watching other TV shows and reading other books and I just having gotten around to writing. I love your guys support on these stories and it makes me happy that you guys like it. I will be back sometime this week. Bye!!

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