Chapter two

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"Dad, do you know what happened to my eyeliner is? I can't seem to find it!" Magnus yells.

"No son, I don't know where your eyeliner is." Magnus' dad, Asmodeus, yelled back.

"I was supposed to leave 5 minutes ago. And where is Caterina?" Magnus yells, again. He was supposed to be going to this party 20 minutes away, with his best friend, Caterina.

Magnus was running around his room aimlessly trying to find this and that. He grabs his phone checking the time, it is 6:20pm.

After 5 minutes, Caterina rings the doorbell. Magnus walks to the front door and greets Caterina with a scream.

"Where the hell have you been? I have been worried sick. I thought you bailed on me." Magnus exclaims.

"Magnus, I am sorry I was caught up on.."

"Fucking your mate." Magnus finishes. "Lets just go, we can deal with this later." Magnus says.

"Goodbye dad!" Magnus yells in the house.

"Goodbye son, have fun." Asmodeus says.

Magnus closes the door on the way out. Caterina was driving Magnus to the party and she was also tagging along. Magnus was oddly nervous about going to this party, he was afraid of meeting the wrong people. Magnus looks out the window of Cat's car, watching the cars go by.

"Cat, I know this is a very weird question to be asking you but, do you think I will meet my mate?" Magnus asks with a grin.

"Magnus, I can't guarantee it. You might, you might not, who knows, they might not be who you think they are." Cat explained.

"You're right, Caterina." I respond, looking back out the window.

Magnus and Caterina arrive at the party and go to the bouncer.

"Can I see your ID's please?" The bouncer asks.

Magnus and Cat show the bouncer their ID's and head in. Magnus immediately heads for the bar, wanting to get something to drink. He looks around, seeing many people dancing, and drinking. Magnus knew he wouldn't be drinking tonight because his dad would ground him if he did.

"Hey handsome." A female voice said.

Magnus looks around to find the woman's voice.

"Oh, hey." Magnus says.

"You know, I love your outfit, where did you get it?" The voice said. "Oh, I am Camille by the way." Camille said, extending a hand.

"Hi Camille, I am Magnus. Well, I got the outfit at H and M." Magnus laughs and takes her hand.

"Oh, I go there all the time for myself, but I can't seem to find anything cute." Camille smirks, placing a hand on the front of Magnus' jacket.

"Camille, I don't mean to be rude, but can you please remove your hand?" Magnus shakes.

"Can I not flirt with you? It is so much fun." Camille confessed.

Magnus' face soon turns a bright red, not knowing what to do. Noticing now that Magnus was being flirted by an Alpha. Although, this was not his Alpha. Her scent clinging to him made him want to throw up.

Camille wanted more fun, so she shifted her hand so that it was resting on Magnus' thigh. She squeezed it a little, making Magnus jump. Magnus, soon started to sniff out a scent that caught him. His Alpha was coming to him.

Magnus turns his head and sees a tall, very tall man, with black hair and blue eyes. Disguised in all black, making his eyes pop. His hair was something he never would of dreamed of, black and messy. He always loved the black hair and blue eyes combo. He just wanted to walk up to him and bite into his neck.

"My Alpha."

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