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Subject: Lia Alfonso

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Date: October 11th, 2527


It all began with a phone call.

All the tragic events could've just disappeared, all the sleepless nights and the daily anxiety about the future would've never come into my life. All would be well, peaceful, and serene, if I had neglected to answer that phone call.

The rest of the world, however, would be in complete peril.

Nothing in the world could ever make me forget the horrible memory of what I had been through ten years ago. I thought time would heal, but it certainly did not. There seemed to be something missing from my life every day I woke up, and I could never shake it off.

Thus, when the phone call came, I was ready for what was about to happen. I was still angry, upset, and depressed all at once. I needed to find a way to fix this or else the rest of my life, I thought, would be in pursuit to seek revenge on Ricky Stevens. I did not want to waste my life on that, considering that I had two sons and a daughter, so I needed to act fast.

And it was all thanks to my old friend, Jordan.

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