Chapter 3

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It wasn't easy, deciding to leave home and all, but I knew it was for the better. Erick had lost his genuinity for me, so I believed that I should make the change, and rid of the negativity in my life.

I grabbed my sons' arms, with my youngest, Elisa, following close behind. We walked down the dull-lit space between office cubicles until my office room came into our line of vision. I dropped Mateo' s and Leandro's hands and fished out my keys, dropping them consequently on the ground behind the Keurig table.

12-year-old Elisa crossed her arms and frowned. "Mamma," she began. "Why are we doing this? Won't Papa get angry?"

"Lizel," I said, calling her by her pet name that she had gotten from a trip to Germany. "Don't worry about your father, he'll be just fine."

"I don't see what the fuss is all about, either." exclaimed soft spoken Leandro, who was my oldest, 15 year old son.

"Si." Chimed in the opposingly rambunctious, 14-year-old Mateo. "Papa will not have patience for this."

"Well there's no need to worry about your dad's patience." I remarked, finding my keys and opening my office door. "We're not going back to Papa."

"Por qué?" Asked flabbergasted Mateo. " ¿A qué te refieres?"

"Mateo, you know I don't speak spanish."

"Nor does she sound like she does." laughed Leandro, making my glare at him. He playfully smiled back. "Roll your Rs" he commanded.

"Rrrrrrrrr" Elisa said. "Mamma can't do it. She doesn't have a Spanish accent like we do!"

"For God's sake I'm not even Spanish, I'm German!" I exclaimed. "I'm literally only surviving here off of the Spanish I learned in high school!"

"Wow, high school in the Middle Americas sounded brutal." exclaimed Mateo. "Please tell me the story about how aunt Kara and Peyton got blown to bits?"

"MATEO!" screeched Elisa and Leandro at the same time. Elisa punched him on his arm and whispered "No seas idiota!"

"Lizel, honey, let him be. It's alright." I said back to her. "Mach dir keine Sorgen."

Lizel frowned then rolled her eyes. "Was Auch Immer."

" Не забывайте, что я понимаю по-русски!" Exclaimed Mateo.

"Italiano" added Leandro.

"Alright guys, I understand that you all are fluent in three different languages-"

"Mateo isn't fluent in Russain, regardless of what he says." Lizel said, smirking. "He should've learned German."

"Alright guys, cut it out." I swear the three of them were all like my sisters, just with different ages and genders. Mateo as more like outgoing, not-afraid-to-challenge-authority Peyton. Leander was like quiet little Kara, and Elisa had the "middle personality" like Gracie. Geez, you think they're dead but their personalities never leave the earth. I'm pretty sure that Peyton's should've gone to hell. I could live my life just fine without her sassy sarcasm everywhere. You'd think that when she died her personality would've passed on to, but no, I'm stuck with it until I die, or, until Mateo dies. Whichever comes first.

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