Chapter 2

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Subject: Lia Alfonso


There was no reply.


I banged on the door. There was still no reply.

Tears started to well up in my eyes. I couldn't stand this anymore. Erick had grown so distant from me and I couldn't understand why. A year ago, he had devoted so much of his life to me. We were a happy, married couple and then something happened. I'm not sure what. Just one day Erick stopped caring, and he never returned back to his old state of care.

With a shaky breath I began to speak. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. "Erick, if you still care about me then come out, RIGHT now!"

I heard a sigh. Then the door clicked open. My tired husband leaned against the door frame, yawning and slipped on his glasses.

I glared at him with my hands on my hips.

"What?" He asked.

"Erick, don't 'what' me. You know full well what's going on but you don't care enough anymore."

"Lia, I don't know what you're talking about."

I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming. More tears rolled down my face. I swiped my nose with the sleeve of my blazer. I had to go to work in ten minutes and this was the worst possible time to be fighting with Erick.

"You forgot that we were going to go out this morning down to the beach and discuss something VERY important."

"Oh, I'm sorry Lia. I was just super tired because I got home late last night."

"I can see that. You don't think I was tired either after work?"

Erick turned back into his office. "Whatever Lia."


"I just think you're being overdramatic."

"You KNEW how much this meant to me, you PROMISED me you'd find the time Monday morning before I had to go to work!"

"Lia stop getting so worked up, we can do it another time."

"I'm not getting worked up over the fact that we didn't get to do it, I'm getting angry at the fact that you didn't CARE enough to about me to have the decency to keep your word!"

"Lia, stop it. You're overthinking it."

"AM I ERICK, AM I?!" I slammed his door against the wall.

His bright blue eyes widened.

"Erick, I am sick of you not taking anyone else's feelings into consideration. Especially your wife! You don't care about me anymore!"

"Lia, I love you."

"NO you don't! You don't show it in any way! All you do is sit down at the computer and WORK!"

"Shall I not work then?"

"I'm not saying you shouldn't work," I began, losing my patience. "I'm saying that you need to find time to show people that you care about how much you love them, because right now it looks as if you don't care whatsoever."

"Lia come on, stop it. You know I love you."

"You don't show it in any way! You never return my calls, you won't help me out with the kids when I so desperately need you, God dammit, you're not even there for me when I NEED YOU! I'm CRYING for you and you don't DO anything! You're 'too busy with work' to even APPRECIATE your loving family! You don't understand, do you? My family was loving and caring and they were RIPPED AWAY FROM ME! You don't know that feeling, and it's a pretty life-scarring one. You don't appreciate me or your children; you ignore me as if I didn't exist!"

"Now you're just crying because you need attention."

I slammed my fist against his door, steaming mad. "Erick, I've had enough of your inconsideration. I'm done."

He turned to look at me.


"What does that even MEAN?" He groaned, rolling his eyes.

"It means that I'm leaving."

"Okay, Lia" he said, turning back around in his chair. "See you later then."

"No, you're not going to be seeing me anymore. I'm leaving, and I'm taking the kids with me."

I slammed his door shut and screamed, "I HOPE I'M DEAD WHEN YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"

And the last words I ever heard from him were a sarcastic "Okay, Lia"

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