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"Hyung , let's play some radio songs. "

" Okay. Yoongi choose the channel. "

" Ummm...let's go with 3."

" ...mine mine mine mine mine.."

" Hyung , next channel please. "

"Okay. Ohh. This is an interview. Don't you to k it's gonna be boring? "

" Nah. This RJ spills all the tea."

" Oh then, her clothes must be very dirty. "

" Hyung, just stop. Stop talking and just listen. "

" Welcome back to our amazing show
'Spill the tea. ' as always it's exclusive content on celebs .

" Miss, thank you for coming. I know your schedule is pretty hectic. Could you please tell our listeners your daily routine?" RJ said.

" Sure, why not. In the morning I wake up at 4.30 am, to exercise and to make sure, I stay fit for the filming. At 5.30 I washup and get ready to go. By , 8 I reach the set and start shooting immediately. My make up and everything is done in the van . My scenes end around 5 or something, I would most likely go to shoot another advertisement or some promotion at 6 pm. It ends around 11 and it takes 3 hours to reach home. After that I get 10 mins for myself and then off to bed ,I guess. "

" So you don't sleep in the car? " RJ looked rather surprised not expecting such heavy schedule.

" Not at all. I need to memorise all my lines and practice other languages as well. It all happens in the car. "

" What about your holidays? When do you take breaks?"

" I hadn't taken a break for 4 years till recently. "

" 4 years? ! You must be 19 around that time? Isn't that too much for a teenager? "

" It was... but..my company people really helped me. My manager's wedding got delayed so many times due to my unexpected schedule. I feel so bad for him. He takes care of me so much. He's like me real brother. "

" Speaking of care and everything, we recently saw a video of you go viral. Could you please tell us about that?"

" Oh. That...that, was my friend. We had a stupid argument and I left . He came running to me to apologize and I apologized and that's it. I went back to me original routine. "

" oh. So that was what happened. Anyways her new drama is coming very soon. So make sure to binge it! See you all next time. Good night. "

Yoongi pov

What? So..oh no. I ruined her vacation.
She sleeps so less and oh I am evil. I definitely am evil.

End of yoongi's pov

" So...when are we inviting her ?"

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