Chapter 3

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Hunter's POV (still)

I wake up to bright sunlight shining in my eyes, and my phone ringing. Marshall's no longer in my arms but still on the couch. I grab my phone and see it's a call from Jay.

"Hello" I say while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"DUDE" He screams as loud as he can.

"Jesus shit Jay quiet down." I furrow my eyebrows and let out an annoyed sigh.

"Oh fuck sorry! I'm just excited because we have an assignment! You get Marshall and I'll grab the others! Meet us at the edge of the woods." And with that he hung up before I could say anything else.

I get up and tell Marshall. Then I change my gray shirt to a black one, and don't even bother to change my black jeans. Then I throw on my Bats jacket and wait for Marshall by the door.

When Marshall comes over to me he hands me a cinnamon flavored Pop-Tart. I then open the door and let him go outside first. Like a true gentleman.

Once we find the others I see Jay and Taylor holding hands jumping up and down screaming.

"WE'RE GOING ON A MISSION!!!" Over and over again. I also see Grayson looking at them like the goons they are. Marshall then turns to Jay.

"So what's the assignment?" He asks with a smile. Marshall and Grayson are usually really happy to get assignments. I mean we all are. We love to help out and make the Vampire Bats bigger and stronger. I love seeing Marshall smile. It makes me smile.

"Well you see another gang is trying to move into our territory on Jordan Street, so we have to go and teach them a lesson." He says holding up two cans of gasoline. Grayson holds up a third, and Taylor holds up a lighter. Marshall and I both immediately smile. Yay fire!

Later that afternoon we arrive at the hangout of this so called gang. We pour gasoline on all of their bikes (explosions yay) and the hangout building. Then Taylor takes the lighter and starts the fire by dropping the lit lighter into the gasoline.

We watch as the beautiful scarlet red flames erupt throughout the hangout. Marshall passes us each a beer. We all take a drink and cry out in victory for we have won.

Now before you freak out. No there was no one in the hangout (sadly). This is just to send a message. No one messes with the Vampire Bats, but we were specifically told not to kill anyone.

Then we take a note that says the Bats did this and to lay off our property. We nail the said note to a tree. Far enough away that the fire won't reach it, yet close enough that someone will find it.

Finally we get out asses out of there before a gang member sees us. We run far away. Once we are far enough we finally take a breather. Then Grayson says something terrifying in a worried tone.

"Wait a minute, where is Jay." We all frantic look around and call his name in case he just fell behind or something, but we quickly learn. That is not the case.

"Oh shit I think someone got him" Taylor says on the verge of tears.

We all sprint back the other hangout. On our way there Marshall finds Jay's beer bottle, so we continue running in that direction. When we are close to the hangout we hear talking.

"This is what you get for disrespecting us." Some deep gruff voice says.

"No please let me go! You don't have to do this!" We hear a higher voice say. We all instantly know it's Jay.

We look behind the trees, and see Jay with a middle aged man. The man is pointing a gun to Jay's head. He's about to speak again, but before he can Grayson steps out.

"No don't!" He shouts. It surprises me. This is the loudest and stupidest thing Grayson has ever done. Grayson is always the type of person to think of a plan before he does anything. What is he doing?

As Marshall and I are watching in fear for both of our friends lives. We didn't even notice Taylor sneak up on the man with a VERY large rock. Until, she was already hitting it as hard as she could against the man's skull.

This of course knocked the man unconscious.

As soon  as the man hit the ground. Grayson ran over to Jay and gave him a hug. I could tell Grayson and Jay were both crying, so I just let them do their own thing and walked over to Taylor.

"How the fuck did you do that Taylor? I didn't notice you at all, and obviously neither did this guy." I say while pointing to the unconscious man at our feet.

Taylor just shrugs in response, and picks up the gun from the man.

"Hunter when will you learn that I'm literally a ninja." I gawk at her as she takes a drink from a new beer.

I turn to Marshall and can't help to notice he is slightly glaring at me. This actually kinda hurts.

What did I do? How did I possibly upset my love? Maybe it's because I didn't go and help Jay like Grayson and Taylor did.

I decide to try my best to ignore him being angry for now and walk over to Jay. I pat him on the back.

"Are you okay Jay?" He gives me a nod, and his usual smile.

"Yeah now come on let's just leave this shit show already." And that we did. We hurried back to Bricks to let Mr. Carey know how the assignment went.

Mr. Carey is the leader of the Bats. We answer to him and only him. He is tall and very fit. He looks like an older version of Jay. Since he is Jay's dad after all.

A/N- OOOOO Jay's dad is the leader of the Vampire Bats I wonder what that's like continue reading to find out of course Ü have a wonderful day (1037 words)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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