9. One hell of an Uncle

Start from the beginning

Optimus in particular was analyzing the minicons words with great focus, the blue glow of his eyes seemed to grow brighter whenever he heard an intriguing comment.

The minicon soon fell into silence and gave a brief look back to me, I could see my stunned reflection on his optic strip. I quickly looked away, rubbing the back of my head as if to ease away the nerve that was beginning to fester there.

"He says he was given the designation N.U.S B by his creator, though he goes by Nex B," Optimus translated as I felt a small mass crawl back onto my lap and into my jacket, I smiled and wrapped my arms around the small mini-con "Nexus," I said gently, rubbing the small bots head "I'll call you Nexus."

"Nex 1 escaped Decepticon clutches and fled to an abandoned town not too far from here, where he was found by Anastasia..." Optimus continued, letting his optics fall on me. I looked up and we made eye contact, I gently nodded "yes a while back I went to a library in a town about a day away from here to salvage whatever books I could find, and I found a rather large orb..."

Optimus nods gently and motions to Nex who stared up at me curiously "That was indeed him."

I was too distracted by the minicon to respond to primes words, but I could hear him begin to converse with the other Autobots in the group, something about truth.

"He also stated that two other minicons escaped and set off signals elsewhere, and these locations happen to be where Hotrod and Ultra Magnus landed."

"So in other words, you believe him and permit him to stay with us," Wildstrike said, his tone of voice was skeptical and urged me to pull up my attention, only to find that he was staring daggers in my direction. I tightened my embrace on Nexus and looked up to Optimus for some back up. The prime did not fail to impress and gave me a reassuring nod, though it was an answer to the hanging question.
I heard a collective vent from the surrounding bots and I felt tension leave the room for the most part.

"Wildstrike, send a message to Hot Rod and Ultra Magnus and tell them of the current events," Optimus ordered, nodding in the direction of the Mech with a firm gaze. Wild Strike simply glared between I and the minicon, I could tell that he was still exceedingly displeased about the turn of events though I was almost curious as to what he would do about it. He wouldnt defy Optimus' word would he? The awkward silence in the room lingered for a minute, then two, and finally three before Wildstrike gave in, and with a weak nod, turned on his pede to complete the task given to him.
The other bots who were once in the room, including Bumblebee, had already left by the time Wildstrike did, probably not wanting to be around if an arguement happened to break out, I didnt blame them.

"He's uh... quite the firestarter isnt he," I asked, breaking the lingering silence between I and the Prime. My words caught his attention, and he looked over with a considerably soft gaze, I could almost feel the warmth of it, as if they were projected rays of sunlight. I decided then that Optimus Prime was one cybertronian that wouldnt mind having around, he's calm, noble, and in all respects, a worthy leader. Optimus processed what I had just said before giving a gentle nod in response, "Wildstrike does posess bravado, and he isnt afraid to show it. He means well, Anastasia, we've all been through a stressful and tedious past few planetary rotations, and many of us are lacking in recharge." Optimus looked towards the doorway where Wildstrike had exited not long before and chuckled a little bit "I am sure after a few nights rest all of my autobots will be fit, and in better ... moods."

I was so caught up in listening to Optimus speak that I didnt notice Nexus curled up against my chest and poking at some hair that draped over my collarbone. When I aknowledged him curiously, he chirped a few times before hiding his face in my jacket. His behaviour made me giggle, it was so childlike, so adorable, I could get used to this.

"He's taken a liking to you," Optimus noted, analysing the minicon's behaviour as well, he was obviously intrigued by it.

I looked up to the Prime again and tipped my head curiously "well, I can't see why, seeing as I am a flawed human being and all," I said in sort of a grumbling fashion, referring to the Red Alert incident from earlier.

Optimus laughed gently and shook his head "He is still very young, a sparkling even, he probably is craving warmth from a carrier."

I assumed that carrier was the Cybertronian equivilant of a mother, and I felt a pang at heart for the little bot, he had no father nor mother, and he was denied the feeling of both simply because he was built rather than born to two loving creators.
I could relate to him. I never knew my mother, she left as soon as she possibly could just after I was born, leaving me with my father who, eventually, was drafted into the military against the titans, I was left to live with my uncle since.

"Can there be substitutes?" I ask curiously, simply wondering if parenting systems run similarly for both species.

Optimus looked intrigued by the question, and I could almost hear him wondering why I would propose such a thing. "Well, I don't see why not... why?"
"It sucks not having a mom or a dad there for you..." I muttered stroking the little bots head.

"Oh..." he said, the guilt ran high in his tone, "I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize, I mean yeah it was rough, but I have one hell of a uncle, and he did his best..." I chuckled a little bit "plus this little guy is just too cute, he needs someone to look after him."

Optimus smiled, and thought about what I had said. This before his attention was stolen by the sound of a door opening and Flynn walking into the main room.

"The hell is this?" he asked, motioning to the giant makeshift berth I and Optimus were sitting on. I lifted my hand and waved at him "Hi Uncle Flynn! I have a baby!" I couldnt stop the words before they came out, and my hand flew up to my mouth as soon as I realized what I had implied.

Flynn's jaw fell and he stared with eyes ablaze with confusion and fury.

Authors note;; a short update, though its something X'D Sorry folks, I'll try to come up with longer updates from here on in.

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