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SMUT warning okay let's get this over with.

I had sat there humping my pillow while TKO was in the bathroom."Mhn~" I moaned, I had notice that my voice got a bit squeekier. Why did they have to leave. They must want this to happen and who knows what could. I was talking to my self untill I heard the phone ring.

Bold is mom
Italics are KO

Hey, TKO this is your mom.
T-this is KO, mom
Oh well how are you doing
Not so good, I'm here with TKO by myself he's in the bathroom.
Remember, take your pill and stay away.
That's hard because it seems like everywhere I go he's there.
Well just try sweetie, and I'm going to be gone longer than expected like 5 more days. And can you put TKO on the phone just call his name you don't have to face him.

I try not to moan out his name, "TKO phones for you~" I say those words and run into the kitchen. Thank Cob I got away am I supposed to sound like this in heat geez, if my voice wasn't girly enough my body look like a females would. Hey don't talk about yourself like that it's ok it'll only give TKO more idea of what to do when he have you. I had got some water, maybe that will fix my voice. "Hey where's Dendy and Robot boy?" Shoot shoot shoot SHOOT! Well we don goofed. I had looked petrified as he was getting closer, I can do his ankles and run to the bathroom! I was getting in a running stance with my lanky body and YEETED myself toward the stairs.

I was giving him his package that mom sent us, then he thrown himself into the stairs. And ran up into the bathroom and closed the door. What an idiot he didn't even lock it. I came upstairs to find him just rolling on the floor, crying. "It hurts make it go away, PLEASE MAKE IT LEAVE!" Why did he sound like a girl? "Hey are, are you ok?" "MAKE IT STOP!" There was a sharp piece of glass for whatever reason then he started to cut his wrist. "HEY DONT DO THAT! Just play with my fingers untill I clean you up ok?!" He had started to suck on my fingers and started moaning loud. "MHH AHH FU~ "Don't EVER do this again ok?! D-do you understand!" I say starting to feel pinpricks of tears at the verge of my eye. "Make the pain go away please just kill me or something..." He said. "NO! What else can I do to you that will make you feel better. "Bang me~"


KO pov
Omg NOOOO Jerid whyy!!! Cause you where crying and stuff so there. I had regret Jerids words even though I didn't say them I was scared of what was gonna happen next. "Wait what? No I don't wanna hurt you" "Do It~" I feel me lose myself and now I'm here watching. Please I'll do it Jerid! You better. I had kissed him on the lip and said "Ok if your just to weak to do it then don't I'll go find someone else." I stated "Fine but if you can't walk for a month don't blame me!" Let's see about that.

I pull down his pants and push him. "A! We don't have a lot of time became there coming back." "Shhh~

KO sounded girler and looked girlier than usual. I say that I'll do it to him but not the full because we don't have a lot of time left. He pushed me down and pulled down my pants, and I still have my boxers on. He started to pull down his to show that he had some panties on. Where there heck did he get those, and damn his butt is big. He started going forward and backwards, I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "NGh mhh ahh~!"

Hey you said tha-. I say alot of things~.
Ugh why did I trust him!? I wanna do that! Hey I bet that I can do it better than you! You wish, bet! I felt control ok so I start to bounce on his D. He's actually making nosies he must like it so I make a rather forceful moan just to kick it in "AH MhMm lak~" I say looking at him with my tongue out. He sits up and start to lick my neck " r-right there OhO~" I scream. "I had started to hum and and shake my hips to the rythmn. Oh shoot I think there here. "KO, TKO where back!" I hurry up and get off of him and run to the bathroom.

Dendy's POV
I heard moaning upstairs, then I smell spaghetti. He didn't take his pill! Please tell me he didn't do it please tell me he didn't do it! I had rushed up stairs to find TKO on the floor and I don't see KO. "Hey did you and KO have sexual conductivity?!" "NO U WEIRDO!" He exclaimed blushing. "Then at least answer me this where, perhaps in your knowledge, where is KO I need to do something to him. "Um I think he's bathroom?" I go to the bathroom just to see KO sitting on the floor with his hands on his stomach talking to himself. "Hey KO did you take you pills?" He shook his head no then he started moaning. "Again i-i want m-more Ahh~FASTER FASTERR!" That means they where about to. There are clues everywhere his neck is wet and red, he had been panting and he trembling. "Hey come on take your pills just 3 ok. He shook his head again for no. "No p-pills I N-NEED him must h-have him~ He gets up I pour three pills in my hand and run off to go find KO. Found him! No KO don't get on his lap get off he looked up to me with a drowling face and smiling. "Leave me alone and let me do it!" There it's is that voice it sounded more girlier than me for the most part. While his mouth was open, I put the pills in his mouth.

He had looked at me then TKO and ran off into CB. He looked at him and hugged him, wait no."Combo break my butt please~AhA mhh ngi~"

Why do you move from person to person huh?! Cause this one cute~. No this is my body and I chose TKO. I had gain control and tried to let go of CB. I slip under his arms and slithered back next to Dendy. "Can I talk to you?" I whispered to her "yeah" she said back I lead her upstairs and I had said. I had breathed in and out "Me and TKO was about to have sex before you two came in." I say. I have embarrassed half impressed face. Dendy looks shocked I looked down and rubbed my arm awakardly and said "-I wasn't in control of it some one in my head was." She had looked at me in confusion. "Who is this person his name is Jer- NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" I had shook my head "Jerid that's his name he made me do it" "KO he is not supposed to have a name he is your urges!" mAh T-TKO I've b-be- ahh en bad p-unish me!" Looks like it's my turn to have some fun~ I had felt my self with Jerid and we start to run away. I had felt my body hit the wall and then rush on TKO.

"AHH WHAT THE-" Oh it's only KO great what does he want he took his pill so he's alright. "Hey wanna watch TV with me and him. He shook his head and said "Is this seat taken~" then he sat on my lap and then he put the back of his head on my chest

An hour of watching TV had passed and he was asleep. Mhh he smells good I wanna eat him. "Then do it daddy~. Dangit did I think that out loud. "Mk~" I bite down on his necked and licked it a few times. Wait but his voice sounded corrupted and messed up. I had stop and looked at him and he started whimpering."Your not KO!" "How'd you figure it out?"

I hope that this was good and I got the name Jerid from a girl that read my story in real life and she gave me the name Jerid and now where friends


And I couldn't wait till Tuesday

My Cute Hero {An Ko x Tko story}Where stories live. Discover now