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Y/nn- your nick name

"So, Hoseok Oppa...who are your friends?" Y/n said with a small blush on her cheeks. She kept checking out taehyun. Jungkook noticed that and got annoyed.

"This is taehyun and soobin. Out dorm roommates"

"Hi I'm y/n but you can call me y/nn" y/n said as he shook Taehyun's hand. Taehyun smiles and bowed to show respect.

"You didn't tell me your sister was pretty"

"Easy there, she just a junior in high school"

Jungkook scoffed silently and went to play with yeontan. Taehyung noticed jungkook's behavior. He smiled. Kookie likes y/n!.

Y/n sat next to taehyun and tried to act cute. Hoseok was starting to be over protective. He know taehyun wouldn't date her but a boy was close or his baby sister! He couldn't let that happen!

"Anyways, we are going for some cane's chicken, y'all wants some?"

"Can I come along?" Y/n said.

"Ok but you're not sitting next to taehyun"

Jungkook heard and tagged along. He made sure to sit besides y/n, But y/n managed to sit next to taehyun. So she was in the middle.

Hoseok took glance through the rear view mirror. Y/n kept laughing at taehyun's jokes. She would touch his arm or lean against him when she laughed. He also noticed how Jungkook looked down. Jungkook would also look at them and felt tears falling down. He quickly wipes them thinking no one saw, but his hobi hyung did

Once they got to the restaurant they ordered their food. Y/n sat beside taehyun. Taheyung noticed the dead glances from jungkook and Hoseok.

So he tried to scoot over a little, but y/n always scooted closer to him.

When they got their food they ate and laughed. Taehyung noticed how his little brother left the table to go to the "bathroom". He stood up and followed him.

"Kookie, you ok?"

Jungkook turned around fast with his tears on his cheeks. Taehyung awes and pulled him close for a hug.

"Aw my kookie don't cry"

"H-how can't I I-if the girl I like l-likes someone e-else" Jungkook broke down in his brothers arms.


"Maybe I should give up"

Taheyung pulled way and used his thumbs to dry his little brother's tears.

"Don't. If you do I'll make sure to take yeontan with me" He know how much jungkook loves yeontan.

"B-But it's useless-"

"Don't day that. You are handsome, smart, and strong. If she doesn't like you back then it's ok. It's not called a crush for nothing"

"Th-thank you taheyungie hyung"

Taheyung smiles and have his little brother a kiss on the forehead.

"That's gay" jungkook laughed

"I'm gay" taehyung said laughing.

"Kookie, you ok? I saw you crying". Y/n said as she saw how jungkook tried to breathe and nodded.

"I'll leave y'all two to talk. Bye love birds"

"Are you really ok kookie?"

"Yea don't worry"

"I don't like to see you sad. Please don't be sad"

Y/n said as she hugged jungkook. Jungkook hugged her back.

"I'm not sad anymore"

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