Nothing can ever change that

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"Is that your way of saying yes?"

She nods and I kiss her again. She squeezes my hand and I do the same.

"Mrs. YN Reed. I quite like it." She mutters against my lips.

I smile and kiss her again. "And I can barely wait to call you that. My wife. I already love it."

She giggles. "My husband."

I rest my forehead on hers and gaze into her hazel eyes. They seemed to shine, like a star in the sky.

"I love you YN."

She looks into my eyes and grins.

"And I love you Jojen. Nothing could stop me from doing that." She whispers.

I let go of her hand and wrap my arms around her. She cuddles into my chest.

"Good night Jo."

"Good night Love." I whisper.

~Time skip~

-Bran pov-

I wake up, coming out of a dream that I can't remember. I automatically search for YN, who I had last seen next to me. But she wasn't next to me anymore.

I struggle to sit up, my eyes glancing at everyone in camp. I panic when I can't see her face and I get ready to yell and wake everyone up.

Only for me to notice her, next to Jojen. Her arms around him, and his around her.

I feel my heart break at the sight and I stare at them. Tears fill my eyes and I wipe them away before they could fall.

- Your pov-

I snuggle closer to the source of warmth next to me, and feel it's arms tighten around my waist. The light behind my eye lids forcing me awake. I blink a few time, before my vision focuses and I see Jojen's tunic.

I yawn, and struggle to sit up. When I finally do I notice that only me and Bran are up.

I smile at him. "Good morning Bran."

He stares at me before muttering, "Good morning YN."

I frown.

"What's wrong?"

He turns to me with surprise on his face. "What? Nu-nothing's wrong. Why would you think that?"

I raise a brow, and cross my arms.
"I know you Brandon Stark. And something is obviously wrong, and it's upsetting you. So tell me what it is."

He freezes and sighs. ". . . . You and Jojen. Your together, aren't you." He says looking to his right.

"Yes. We are." I say slowly.

"Why? Why does it upset you?" I ask.

He sighs again.

"Because I love you, and I want to be with you. But I guess I was right.... no one wants to be with a cripple." He mutters.

Anger flashes through me, and I undo Jojen's arms from my waist. Making sure not to wake him. I stand up and walk around the camp fire that was no longer lit.

I sit next to him and force him to look at me.

"Don't you ever think that Bran. Anyone who has eyes would be able to see who you truly are. Your legs are just a part of you, but they aren't what defines you. Your brave, funny, smart, charming, and above all your caring and kind." I say.

"Bran, you may be a cripple. But you are so much more than that, and one day your going to find someone who sees that as well. And I know you'll do great things after we get you to the three-eyed raven. And then you being a cripple, that would be the last thing on your mind."

He looks at me with tears in his eyes, and I pull him into a hug.

I smile and rub his back to calm him down. I turn my head and notice Jojen was sitting up, looking at us.

He smiles at me and Bran, and I smile back. He knows that I love Bran like a brother. And nothing could ever change that.

Hope you liked this chapter! Here is a pic.

Later ya players.

Falling for You {Jojen Reed x reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz