"I'm quite grateful that I wouldn't have to search the streets to find you. Adam found you for me. I'm very pleased."

"Have we met before?"

"Yeah, twice." He admitted, his eyes shone evilly. I gasped, remembering. Oh, no. It couldn't be.

"Let's go. I've got a lot of plans for you,"

My heart quickened in panic knowing that I was about to face danger. I could see it now. The expressions and mannerisms truly differ.   

This man who's dragging me out of the bar was tenfold brusquer than I knew Adam. Even in Adam's cold ways he wasn't as a manhandling bastard as this one.

The quirk in the corner of his lip suggested more evilness than I could describe at the moment.

I tried to get away only to flinch when he tightened his fingers around my wrist that would surely blacken my skin.

"You won't get away from me!" He rasped in a dark voice. "Unless Adam comes back, but unfortunately he won't save you from me for atleast an hour or so." His statement was a promise and there I shuddered.

And suddenly, I remembered the familiarity of the voice.



That name rang a bell.

Immediately, my hairs stood on ends. Chase was the man who....who had molested me twice! And he was Adam!

So everything was planned out? The day Adam visited my gallery he pretended to know me as an artist when all this time he was trying to capture me for his aid, for his experiment, a trial or error kind of thing to cure him, to make me a prisoner in his house for Chase.

"I know who you are asshole! You're a fucking rapist! Let me go or I'll kill you!!" There was still fear but my anger was more dominant than my weak helplessness.

We were finally out of the bar and now crossing the road toward Adam's car. He laughed at my words, deep and insulting. He turned around and grasped my jaw in his rough hand.

I whimpered teary-eyed.

"You think I will let you do that? 'Course not. And I'm sure Adam won't too. He's too desperate to get rid of me and he thinks you can help him do that. Well here's the thing, I won't let any of you banish me so easily. Got that?"

"You won't get away with this! The cops will find you asshole!!"

Again he laughed.

"Adam won't be imprisoned, he'll just stay in the asylum but the medication there won't help. He's incurable Natalia because he's weak and a fucking coward! I am not. I am the opposite of him and he needs me!"

"No, he doesn't! He can live without you!

"You're not empathizing with him, are you? Just to remind you I used his body to rape you. Part of his brain told him to do it. I am part of him only braver and stronger than he could ever manage to be. Do you not feel any bit of hatred toward the man?"

Of course, I did. But I couldn't admit it in front of Chase now. He would just rejoice at the fact of me hating Adam.

"It wasn't his doing! He's a good man and you're NOT!" I shouted at him. He tightened his hold until my tears spilled from my eyes, feeling the pain of his fingertips digging into my flesh.

"I'll teach you how to keep your mouth shut!"

Chase released my jaw and dragged me all the way toward the car that I worried my shoulder cuff would be detached from my body.

"Please, just let me go." I pleaded in desperation. And when he took me inside the car, I had no choice but to stay as passive as I could for the man had threw his hand across my face thrice when I tried to fight him.

The same as the previous rapes, he was all animal, getting his way with me, bruising and scarring my fragile body. All the time, I prayed for someone to help me and get me out of the car but nobody came. Nobody heard my screams. Nobody.

When he finished with me, he'd put his clothes back on and I resisted the urge of sparing him a contemptuous look. I couldn't glance at the man without cursing at him in my mind. Right now, he was sitting behind the wheel still catching for his breath. Minutes passed by, no one spoke.

My mouth had gone dry and he probably didn't feel like talking at the moment which I was grateful about for I wouldn't be forced to answer whatever nonsense he wanted to ask about.

Inspite of my aching limbs, I tried to sit up and dress up in careful movements, my arms and shoulders severely in pain and more aggravated than ever was my feminine part.

Finally, my tears stopped but the pain and scar inside were deeper tha nanything I'd ever felt before.

"I'll give you the money later for your service," The voice changed. Without looking, I knew it was now Adam. In a confusing ache, my tears poured again.


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