"Of course I still want to be with you, I love you, I could never leave you." She placed a hand on his cheek as his eyes popped open on hearing her words. "We've both found out something about each other now, haven't we? And you've, I hope, got your head around everything now..."

"I have, I couldn't let something that happened in your past keep affecting our present." He cut in. "And you know I'm right with you for when or if Stephen makes his next move." He added as she began to draw little circles with her finger on his shoulder.

"My heads spinning with questions." She moved to lay on her back, and let out a breath.

"Then ask me." Seb propped himself up on his elbow. "Ask me anything you want, and I'll answer."

"Theres so much." She put her arm over her eyes. "I don't even know where to begin."

"Ok, I'll ask you something." He suddenly felt brave. "You're wondering how I could have sex with my friends wife, and let him have sex with Hannah?"

"I don't really want to talk about her." She moved her arm and shot him a warning look. "But yeah, it's kind of a mind fuck thinking of you shagging your best mates wife while he was balls deep in your girlfriend."

"I love your choice of words." He smiled for a moment before thinking of his response. "It's difficult to describe, I guess at first it was an experiment, at least it was for me, and it quickly became an enhancement for both of us. But you have to remember, it's just sex, there was no feelings involved, it was just sex, an added extra to what I had with Hannah. I was happy to share her and she was happy to share me."

"So it didn't affect your relationship in a negative way?" She asked. "I mean, you're not together now."

"No, Hannah cheated on me and that was not connected to what we did in our private life, not at all." He shook his head.

"When did you all last....you know?" She couldn't bring herself to say all the words but Seb knew what she was asking.

"Summer break, last year, in August." He replied quietly. He refrained from telling her that they had all been at his place in Norway at the time, he wanted to take her there soon and didn't want her first time there to be spoilt by her knowing that that was the place where he'd last slept with Eva.

"Quite a while ago then." She said, moving her arm from across her eyes.

"It was not something that we did often." He kept looking at her, constantly trying to read her thoughts, she fell silent and he could see that she was deep in thought. He waited patiently for a few minutes until she spoke again.

"Are you hoping or expecting me to want to take part in this? Is Steef wanting to have sex with me?" Her eyes widened and she suddenly sat up. "Is Eva waiting for her chance to....."

"Liebe, don't." Seb sat up also, he knew these questions were going to come out. "I am not expecting you to take part in anything that you will find uncomfortable, I will not even ask you. Noone is is expecting you to do anything and noone will pressure you, ok? If you ever decide you want to try it, then the decision is yours and noone else's, I will leave it for you to ask me. I promise you, noone is going to push you into anything you don't want."

"But you're bound to want to have a night like that with them again, what if I say no? What if you decide I'm not enough?" She looked at him, her insecurities were starting to run wild inside her.

"No!" Seb's voice rose suddenly and he moved so that he was now kneeling on the bed, looking down at her. "Jesus Chloe, don't ever think that you won't be enough for me, that will never happen. I'm crazy about you, I can't get enough of you, you know that. Please tell me you know that." He studied her face, waiting for her to reply. She moved to kneel opposite him and nodded her head. "I need to hear you say it." He lowered his voice to the point he was almost whispering, she was so close to him now that her body was almost touching his and he could feel the heat radiating from her, mixing with the air from the fan, his fingers tingled with the need to touch her and his body began to react. She took hold of his hands and linked their fingers together, holding them up in front of her she looked at them. Aware that he was still waiting for her to answer and was watching her, she looked up into his eyes.

"I do." She murmured. "I know, I trust you." She let their hands fall to their sides but still kept their fingers linked. Her words were music to his ears and his face lit up with a smile.

"You trust me?" He'd waited for what felt like forever to hear her say that again, it had taken her a long time to get back this point and she was finally there.

"Yes." She let go of his hands and slid her hands up over his chest and onto his shoulders.

"I can't even begin to describe how much those words mean to me, how much you mean to me." He cupped her face in his hands but she removed them, making confusion flash across his features.

"You don't need to tell me, when you can show me." She whispered, placing her hands back on his shoulders. She was sure she could feel her insides clench in response to the look he gave her after hearing her words and she could definitely feel it when his lips crashed onto hers in a hungry kiss and his tongue began to explore and taste her mouth. He slipped his fingers lightly down her spine making her arch her back and press her breasts against him and then gave her behind a squeeze, whimpering into her mouth at the friction he felt when she pressed herself against his erection. They broke for air, both of them were breathing heavily. "Just one thing." She smiled.

"Anything liebe, anything, I just want you." He replied inbetween breaths.

"Why are we kneeling on the bed?"

"No idea." He grinned. "That's the last thing on my mind right now though."

"Best we make ourselves comfy then." She replied, laying down and pulling him down with her.

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