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"and it's just every time i can't plan something out, my brain goes insane and every little things bugs me and i feel like a failure and wow this coffee is really good i can see why you come here everyday," hyungwon sighed.

"i find myself overthinking trying to talk to you. it's like one second i have that confidence, but you come up to me and it all comes back. all of the stupid, "tho wonho, did you thee today'th lunch menu ith thir fried noodlth and cuthard for dethert?" "who are you larry the cucumber?" "what? did you never graduate kindergarten?" "thtop talking it'th annoying!". i'm sorry i couldn't talk to you wonnie." wonho thought to himself.

the two boys were sitting in wonho's favorite coffee shop, kim bros. while hyungwon was talking about his worries, wonho was mentally responding to each and every one.

"i'm rambling aren't i? i must be so annoying to you. i'm sorry wonho this is probably why you don't ever want to talk to m-"

wonho grabbed hyungwon's hand and intertwined their fingers. hyungwon shut up and turned bright red.

"wonnie, please don't say that. it makes me sad."


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