their circumstances.

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Chris4 months later

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4 months later

Plight of things that'll occur.

Waking up with a clear mind of nothing but happiness, I step out of bed naked heading straight into the bathroom in our room to take care of my business at the toilet leaving my wife asleep in our messy sheets and pillows.

After flushing, I wash my hands and begin brushing my teeth while running warm water for a quick shower.

"Chris..." I hear my baby call me.

Putting my toothbrush away, I rinse my mouth out and stand by the bathroom door frame watching her as she sat up stretching a little in bed, "But them titties sittin' up right sis okurtt," I say with an exaggerated feminine voice.

"Shut up," she laughed putting her hand over her mouth, not even attempting to cover herself, but I'm not complaining, "I don't know why my breasts have been so tender and bigger lately," she mumbled.

"Good morning though," I chuckle, plopping right in the middle of the bed on my stomach by her thighs. I look up at her, "What can Brown do for you ma'lady?"

"Good morning to you too, and nothing. I was just wondering what you may have wanted to do today or have plans for is all or you might have work...?" she inquired.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I thought to myself for a quick moment, "... Nope. I don't work today- Thank God," I sighed. "I was gonna go look for a second job still with Tedd, but I really wanna spend time with my family too unless my queen has something else in mind," I smirked, biting my bottom lip in.

"Cute, but no and not really," she smirked also, turning down my sexual advances, "I actually prefer your secondary idea of us having some family time today since we already had plenty of fun last night."

I raised my face up to hers pressing my lips against her soft ones, "Who says we can't have a little more?" I asked kissing her a little more deeper and rubbing her wet slit under the blanket she still has covered up to her thighs. She had her eyes closed as her breath hitched from my sensual touching.

Moaning, "Says the little one in her room still asleep," she said then looked up at me after stopping my hand, "She wants to spend time with you anyways, so go get her up. Please and thank you daddy," she smirked before sucking her pussy juices off my middle finger while seductively staring in my eyes, catching me completely off guard.

Before I knew it, she was heading into the bathroom and locked the door leaving me caught between a rock and a hard place.

Chuckling to myself, "What the fuck? She did not just take my shower too?"

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