"According to public records," Dirk declared, "you have no blood relatives still alive, except for a criminally insane grandmother who will hopefully soon leave this earth, now that she has cursed it with her presence for a hundred years." 

"Undue lack of respect for my grandmother and her peculiar achievement, but yes, that is true." I muttered. 

"Do you have any other relatives, not related to you by blood, but yet sharing your surname?" 

I paused for a second. "Well, Abigail here is my girlfriend. Does that––" 

"No, that does not count. Even if she was your fiancé, we still wouldn't count her under the Amergin name. It appears your redistribution will be a solitary one, Baird." 

"Are you kidding me?" Abigail shouted, "If you idiots don't mind, I'll marry him right now! Do you seriously think you can separate us?" 

"Indeed I do." Dirk replied as he rose to his feet. "Because you, Abigail Wilde, are a very in-demand actress that Alconte's vibrant film industry could use quite profitably." 

"You say that as if I'm an object who can be moved around and used for your pleasure." 

Dirk shrugged and took a step closer to my girlfriend, and with balled fists, I closed a bit of the distance between us as well. Without the slightest hesitation, three of his underlings also stood and aimed their guns at me. Only after throwing a growl and a glare their way did I relent and take a step back. 

"The way my superiors look at it," Dirk enunciated clearly, "that is an apt description of your relation to me." 

Abigail planted her hands on her hips and flipped her luscious red hair. "Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but I've got a contract that says I've gotta finish filming Of Pride & Finance, so I'm not going anywhere until then." 

"I'm afraid you have no choice in the matter, and neither does your film studio. Now, stop arguing and get packing." 

"Packing?" I echoed, "Are you serious?" 

"I am. My men will escort you to your rooms, where you will each pack one bag of belongings to bring with you to your new homes." 

"Just one bag? You're kidding!" I shouted, "And where am I going anyway?" 

"That remains to be decided upon a further examination of your qualifications. But that's my job, and yours is to follow my orders. Now go!" 

My mind raced as Dirk's men moved to escort Abigail and I to our rooms. What should I do? I thought, What can I do? My hand-to-hand is admittedly sub-par, but shouldn't I at least try to break us free? 

My thoughts were rudely interrupted as one of the soldiers pressed the barrel of his gun to my back. "Eleven against two is bad odds, son." he spoke, seeming to have read my mind, "Just do as you're told." 

With a sigh, I hung my head and allowed myself to be escorted back to my bedroom. 


About an hour later, I had finished packing my bag. I rose to my feet with a grunt and glanced regretfully over my room. Many things remained in there that I would have to leave behind, merely because these cruel men had come to disrupt my otherwise peaceful day. I shook my head and stepped out of my bedroom, likely for the last time. 

As it turned out, Abigail stepped out of her room at the same time as I did, and we locked eyes regretfully. As if on cue, we dropped our bags, and I snatched her into my arms. A moment later, our lips met. Besides the heavenly sensation of her soft lips pressed lightly against my own, I reveled in the sweet scent that emanated from her body. I swore I'd never leave her. 

The Iron HallwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora