Chapter 36

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Closing my eyes I imagined what could be making that echoing sound. It was like a wooden hall or stage, but at least ten times the size of the one from my high school and so. Much. Louder. Opening my eyes I found myself in a tiled entrance that was the largest thing I had ever seen. It was only through focusing on the echoing sound was I able to actually see where we were. The echoing footsteps of Demetrious and I bounced off the sides of the cavern and reached an impossibly loud noise, drawing the attention of a mound that lay in the far corner.

Demetrious growled low, startling me as my eyes zeroed in on the mound that had begun to rumble and lift its head. This canine form was much bigger than the largest size that Demetrious could reach, both in height and breadth. His size only grew as he stepped into the clear water before him, slowly approaching where Demetrious and I stood.

As he drew closer I could see through the shadows that it's head was misshapen, just a little too large for its body. Cocking my head to the side I waited until this creature came to the light and I finally saw what it truly looked like. The stories could not do justice to the incredibly monstrous form that loomed above me. A single body rose from the base of its three tunnel-sized necks and into three giant pairs of jaws with eyes. I had to crane my neck to even see the heads as they bent towards Demetrious and I holding a kind of crazed fury about them as six eyes regarded us carefully.

He glared down at Demetrious as the two locked gazes. I felt the echo of the conversation, but not enough to make our words through my connection with Demetrious. I felt raw hot rage pouring into the connection and knew it was coming from the three-headed hound. As they held each other's gaze, Demetrious ever-so-slowly inched his way in front of me.

The quietest moan came from behind Cerberus though the two hounds did not take their eyes off of each other, gazing down I spotted a small glowing object from beneath the water and stared in amazement. Slowly the glow drew closer to me as another moan came from beside me in the river. Frowning, I turned to see another glow beneath the water and I started to step slowly towards the water, curious as to what I could see. With each second that passed another groan would sound and ever so slowly the lake was scattered with these glowing figures.

One slowly approached where I was, Demetrious and Cerberus were forgotten as I was held in the glowing figures grasp and neared the water, smiling at the apprehensive glow. It was strange that a simple light could be wary of someone as defenceless and I. Extending my hand towards the water I waited, coaxing it with my fingers to draw just a little bit closer. The glow drew closer, along with the others enough that I could just barely make out the form of eyes. Hollow eyes and the shape of a skull that the glowing rotted flesh had started to cling to as it propelled itself onto my extended hand.

I screamed when it touched me. Its rotting hand grabbed onto mine with a vice-like grip and I struggled, trying to free myself. With my free hand I tried to dislodge its fingers only to see my hands touch and my heart almost beat out of my chest, realising the danger I was in. More and more of the glowing, rotting souls clambered to get to me as I tried fruitlessly to escape them.

"Demetrious!" I screamed, turning my body to face him.

My second scream had grabbed his attention as he quickly leapt away from Cerberus to help drive away the cold ice feeling of death from my arm. With one graceful leap over my head he landed in the middle of the water and began to grab chunks of rotting flesh, causing the souls to retreat with the skin they still had. While Demetrious was going about ripping them to shreds I was pulling with all my weight to free my arm to little effect.

A low growl-like chuckle reached my ears and I spun to glare at Cerberus who looked on at the scene with keen interest. When the eyes of the middle head reached me he grinned lifting his lip in a snarl to reveal razor sharp canines.

Having delved in his fun, he gave a deep growl and the souls slowly receded back into the lake, most of them leaving me in peace. Filled with rage and fear intermingled I now wrenched my hand out from the water, adrenaline rushing through me as I rounded on Cerberus. Just as I reached the great brute, Demetrious cut in ahead of me, giving me a knowing look and effectively placing himself once more in front of Cerberus and between myself and very obvious danger.

"Your offering pleases me greatly and you were quick to discover her." The right head spoke in the same way as the old one did.

"Being." The left head addressed me as Demetrious and I had a glaring stand-off. Was this his betrayal? Was this what the ice figure had warned me about?

I trusted him. I couldn't help but trust Demetrious and I nodded smally in his direction so he knew that I didn't suspect him, but I couldn't help the clipped tone of voice I had when answering, "Yes."

"This deliverer has said you seek passage through my entrance, is this true?" He spoke almost in an aristocratic manner, as if he was above everyone else in the room.

"Yes," I said hesitantly, shooting Demetrious a look of help, wondering why he hadn't changed to talk normally, including me in his secret conversations. "I wish to continue on."

Something told me not to tell this creature too much. I didn't trust him any more then I would trust a coiled snake. There was just something off about him.

A great hearty laugh escaped from the three heads as the insane hound he rounded on me, "And why on this plane should I do this? Why should I help you? Any who escape my shadows earns me another head and I assure you with these three, I am more than adept at catching any who wander through this plane." His muscles twitched as he said this, his eyes blazing with hate and the heads on the side whipping back and forth. It was a sore topic with him I was certain.

"What is it that I must do to pass," I said carefully, there was no need for flattery or beating around the bush with a creature from hell - who was also possibly determined to kill you.

"There is nothing you can do to pass, I am afraid. You do intrigue me though," he said, inclining his head as if to show respect for surprising him, "but that will not do. None but the dead shall pass and as it appears, you cannot."

"You know I am different though, you called me 'being'. Are you not curious enough to see where my path will end or even where it began?" I said, bluffing with confidence as Demetrious stood steadily by my side.

"Ah, you believe me to be intrigued positively towards your presence. Quite the opposite. Your presence only brings to me the possibility of change and I for one am not in support of this. I have ruled the Underworld since the age of slumber and I fully intend to keep it that way until my rule is challenged and believe me when I say that I will do everything within my power to make sure that it will not happen." Cerberus said, preening happily at his position.

"If the Lord was awake," I said slowly, trying to bide my time as I searched for a way past him, "then what would he wish for you to do?"

The monstrosity loomed before me as his gaze travelled down me hungrily.

"Did you not hear me being? It does not matter what anyone else was to think or do, I cannot risk the chance of change and for that you must die."

A growl came from beside me as Demetrious called all attention to his presence between Cerberus and I. An answering growl ripped through the silence of the cavern as the three headed hound answered with vigour at the challenge. Slowly, I moved backwards against the cavern wall and away from the two snarling beasts as they squared off.

There was no sound, no warning. One moment I cowered behind Demetrious and the next moment all I could see was black as the feeling of a solid weight had smashed into me.

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