Chapter 21

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My suspicions were confirmed as Demetrious lunged straight towards me. I fell backwards, surprised at his actions until I spotted a second hellhound that he tackled to the ground. The shapes of their tousling bodies were so mesmerising as their coats whipped back and forth between the wind and each other's movements.

The new hellhound was fighting hard to keep moving towards me while Demetrious held him back. His constant fighting was only pushing the battle further from where I stood. I could see the frustration in the newcomers eyes as he stared at me.

I shouldn't have been able to tell which one was which but I could feel which one Demetrious was, the eyes of this new hellhound held the same amount of emotion as Demetrious had first displayed upon finding me, mild curiosity and disapproval but there was just something... Something that made me know who was who, I assumed it was like a mother of twins, you can't describe it - you just know.

Finally the hellhound seemed to recognise that Demetrious was not attacking him back but simply preventing his blows and he slowly relented. All the while he stared at me with his eyes blazing with, if I had to guess- hatred, which shocked me. What had I done to him? He turned to Demetrious instead, clearly finding his presence equally as disturbing. It surprised me even more when I heard a different timbre of voice in my mind, as if it was funneled through another source rather than the direct connection I had with Demetrious.

Trespasser! Traitor! What brings you to my place of collection?

His voice was like rocks grinding through my brain making me wince, incidentally causing him to realise that I had heard him too. Blazing twin fires of hatred trained themselves back onto me and he advanced within the limits that Demetrious held him off against. I was thankful, especially after Demetrious' bite still had yet to heal, that the other hellhound was forced to keep a distance. If my arm was in this much pain from only a bite to get my attention, how much damage could be inflicted on me from these creatures when they went for the kill?

We come seeking answers.

The suspicious hound's eyes flickered over to me as he considered my presence, clearly confused and no liking it one bit.

Why is that human staring? Has Charon asked for her delivery?

Demetrious stepped back a few paces to allow him room to move though but stayed just in front of me, something that the other hellhound seemed both annoyed and amused at.

She is not human. The newcomer stated. It has been a long time, brother, since her kind have existed on this plane, well before the time of slumber. Do you see her?

The hellhound approached me carefully as his eyes roved up and down my body making me feel oddly exposed and self-conscious. Demetrious simply watched, sticking close by my side and within range to intervene. My arm throbbed as the breeze picked up and I sighed. I was so tired of hurting. My gaze followed the hellhound circling me I spotted an old tree stump. Moving carefully so as not to spook the newcomer I wandered over to the stump, turning my back and hoping that Demetrious had everything under control.

The hellhound continued to sniff and poke his nose all around me, increasing my heartbeat as he drew too close and causing Demetrious to rumble out a growl. My hand moved of its own accord towards him, trying to calm us both but he was still much too far for my comfort as the other hellhound got well within my personal boundaries.

I hissed out in pain when the newcomer grazed my arm on a passing stride, the sudden sound pierced the silence as the two hounds acted instinctually. Demetrious rose with a furious snarl that wracked his body, snapping his elongated fangs at the hellhound who wasn't the least bit fazed and lazily walked back to his previous position a few yards from where I stood.

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