Chapter 22

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The other hellhound mimicked Demetrious and sat on its haunches and answered.

Every hellhound knows what a being is, it is who they are that is the trickiest part. 

He paused and I nodded, trying to work out what he was getting at. The newcomer only sighed in boredom and continued. 

They are generally animals that at some point in either their life or the life of their ancestors, have been tampered with the gods. The humans were always as dumb as livestock to meddle with things ought to be left alone, hence their continual involvement with the gods. Most beings were humans, that had been blessed or cursed, a matter which greatly separates the light in which they are seen. 

His gaze flickered to Demetrious and back to me. 

We can tell by the light that you are a being. He studied me carefully before continuing and speaking directly to Demetrius. You must be quite young to not know this, and also just as meddlesome to align your services with such a being.

"Such a being?" I said out-loud, catching the scathing tone that rang in my head with those last three words.

Your light. He said simply. Both blessed and cursed, though indirectly. Your ancestors have had more than a few dealings with the gods, something they obviously ought not to have done... Much like yourself and this pathetic excuse of a deliverer.

I wasn't sure if I was meant to have heard that last bit, it certainly wasn't for me but to take another jab at Demetrious. He seemed to want to provoke something out of Demetrious but I couldn't tell what, his lips curling into a snarl-like grin.

My hand found the back of the neck of my hellhound to stop him from rising to the bait. The action had caught the eye of the other hellhound and his lip curled back further as he snarled silently.

I had heard you were favoured, I had no idea that it was to this extent. Does this answer all of your queries for the price owed?

Demetrius looked up at me to make a decision, clearly angry at the insult. I nodded my head whilst shaking it from side to side.

"Yes... " but not really, I sighed, "And no. You have just given me more questions." I was somehow descended from someone who had some dealings with gods. Gods. Every time I learned something new about myself it only presented me with the need for more information. "So do you know of anyone who has been blessed and cursed, or any families?" I wondered out loud. Who could my parents have been?

Any being, human or otherwise would now be long dead or with the slumbering gods.

"Okay so if my long lost relative was no longer alive then how do I find these gods?" My calm voice surprising even me as I spoke about family, gods and the idea that there was real gods to talk to out there. It didn't feel as though I was discussing me anymore, but someone else which was probably for the best or else I may have gone mad.

Catching a sudden movement out of the corner of my eye I saw the other hellhound flatten its ears against its head. It was angry?

The gods are no more. You are as stupid as your lapdog who should have informed you of this before you bothered to disrupt this plane.

Demetrious snarled at him now, his calm demeanour slipped away from him like a sheet as he rounded on the hellhound, every muscle prominent now behind the shadow coat and straining to remain still under my hand that pressed him to stay.

This cannot stand. Demetrious spoke to me, not looking away from the hellhound for a moment as he bristled under my fingers.

"He is not my lapdog and I suggest that you take the insult back or I will not pay you." I stated simply.

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