Then I met Him.

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Your getting a long chapter so enjoy it or else 



I've been in America for about a month now and I'm still really miserable. After finding this creepypasta thing I've been really invested and watching tons of videos about it, reading all the stories. I even made my own! (A/N can we appreciate the mental image of what pure Dora would think is scary? Or how Dora's creepypasta would look like?)

My favourite 'pasta' had to be Slender Man. He is a really tall man with all these tentacles coming (A/N cumming ;) sorry) out of his back and wore a suit and red tie. He has white skin and no face. Usually appearing at kids parks, schools and people who obsessed over him.

I was really interested in him and his story. I mean who wouldn't be? Back in Spain me and Diego would definitely obsess together over him. We always obsess over different book or movie characters together! Now it just sounds so stupid to do so by myself I mean Slender man is obviously just a story and It's not like I can go ahead and go on some crazy adventure. But I really want to. I wish he is real. I mean there's so many great stories about this whole creepypasta communities.  

No. This is stupid. Bye.



I looked back down at the book that lay in my hands, moving my hands over the paper tracing the creases my hands familiarising themselves with each crevice on the page. My mind wanted to pull back and not believe. God how stupid is this? I mean it's just some dumb and stupid on the internet some crazy people call real. I snatched my hand from the book and closed it. I heard a knock at the door and picked myself up and left my desk.

 I heard a knock at the door and picked myself up and left my desk

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Dora's house you perverts

I raced on down the stairs and opened the door expectantly, me and Diego didn't have phones and ended up deciding to send letters to one another every day, obviously there was a few days of delay but we could still talk regularly. I think this is what the knock was on about anyway I'm not too sure. I turned and ran down the short corridor towards the door and took a second to quickly catch my breath. I wasn't in the best of shape..I opened the door and saw a mail man who passed some package and a couple letters to me. I thanked him, shut the door and put down the package, it had a big logo from some fashion company, mums , and quickly sifted through all 3 letters. (A/N anyone else get like a letter once a century for a birthday of christmas??)

"beautiful boats" Uh..Okay. I'll put that aside for dad..

"BUY NOW! HALF PRICE PIZZA FOR THE MONTH!" Pocket that for later.

The last letter defo looked interesting. For one it was light blue and had my name right at the top alongside my address. I could tell it was Diego, it had his handwriting. I attacked into it and ripped at it to open and immediately started to read. (A/N something spicy and unrelated)

I wriggled my way up the stairs and had a short leisurely extremely short stroll back to my bedroom.  (see image, hers is bedroom 2) I waddled my way to my desk and grabbed out some paper and a pen and instantly started to write, before I knew it there was three pieces of paper in front of me and it's already been an hour. I sighed and pulled up my Ipod and put in on shuffle. As I walked down the stairs I shoved the paper into an envelope I paused and reached at a shelf for glue and giggling I glued the envelope together. (A/N if you do this unjokingly I'll kill ya.)

I shoved on my shoes and raced over to the shops and shoved the letter in and decided I would go to the park whilst I'm out for a little wander. Just for a few minutes..

(A/N I'm pretty sure you all know whats going to happen.)

I meandered down a path and wandered off and found my way to the park there was a couple kids and I looked kind of creepy. I just sat on a bench and watched cause I felt like being a creeper. After I bit I found myself thinking of different things and my mind wandered off and day dreamed back to my wonderful forest and traveling through past my trees yet when I stopped day dreaming I realized those kids had left and I was creepily staring at nothing but a stranger across the play ground behind the slide. He looked like he had just been to a funeral. He was pretty tall too I felt kind of uncomfortable yet very intrigued. I felt like running off but at the same time I wanted to stay. 

I stood up and felt like I was moving towards the pale stranger yet I forced myself to walk directly past him and off into this odd path away. After a bit I found this path was much shorter and went behind my house. I opened the door and hobbled in before turning and- 

Oh my god..


Your getting a cliff hanger you losers. now suffer

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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MY SLENDADDY // Slenderman x Dora The ExplorerWhere stories live. Discover now