What do you see in him?

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"You're miserable," Lucy groaned as she nudged Lauren in an attempt to rouse some kind of reaction from the green-eyed girl. Because since her riff with Camila, Lauren had been moody as hell and Lucy was catching the repercussions of their fight. "It's my birthday and you're miserable."

She didn't want to pull the birthday card, she'd been holding out on it the entire day. They'd gone to the arcade and Lucy had won so many tickets and Lauren had given Lucy the tickets she won so the girl walked away with five too many kids toys for a girl that had just aged out of her teenage-hood.

So Lucy didn't want to pull the birthday card, but Lauren had been moping all day and she at least hoped that when they got back to her place Lauren would perk up because, well, sex. But no. Nothing. So she pulled the birthday card.

It was low and she majorly judged herself for it but she couldn't take it back now. She just wanted the last few hours of her day to be spent with a semi-interested girlfriend.

"I'm sorry, babe," Lauren dismissively pressed a kiss to Lucy's lips before slouching back against the headboard. "She's just so...I mean-like-he hurt her, you know?"

"They were playing and she fell off the bed," Lucy rationalised because she knew when it came to Camila, Lauren never really thought too clearly. "That's so typical of Camila, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I know, but-"

"But nothing," Lucy swung her legs over Lauren's lap and perched herself down, grabbing her girlfriend's face between her hands and forcing those green eyes to meet her own. "You overreacted, you feel shit about it, tomorrow you're going to talk to Camila and be all over her again with your weird, fucked up friendship, but tonight, Lauren Jauregui, tonight is mine." Lucy lowered her lips down to touch Lauren's gently. "Tonight I get you to myself, no Camila. Just this one night, please?"

"You think our friendship is fucked up?" Lauren pulled back with a frown.

"If I didn't know how completely in love with me you are, I would be an insecure mess." Lucy mused lightly. "But I know you love me, Lauren. And you know I love you. I trust that."

"Jesus," Lauren's hands gripped Lucy's side as she pulled herself up so their noses were touching and they were lost in each other's eyes. "What did I do in some past life to deserve you?"

"You corny fuck." The older girl lurched forward and connected their lips, and the night proceeded as she planned...finally.

Lucy knew she would never be the only girl on Lauren's mind, she knew Camila held a part of Lauren Lucy would never be able to touch...but that night, that one night they shared...Lauren was hers and only hers and Lucy allowed herself to indulge in the idea that perhaps with time...she could be enough for Lauren. Perhaps in time Camila would settled in Lauren's heart as the friend they both claimed her to be.

Perhaps in time, Lucy and Lauren could stop this pretence that their open relationship was a choice and not brought about them by an outside force that sported wavy brunette hair and chestnut brown eyes.

Perhaps in time, Lucy and Lauren could simply be together.

The next morning Lauren treated her girlfriend to breakfast in bed and showered Lucy in apologies ranging from promises of a road-trip to another trip to the arcade, all of which Lucy fully intended to hold her to.

But once it hit lunch time, Lauren said her goodbye with her plan to apologise to Camila in mind. They hadn't talked in two days and it was the longest the two had gone without talking. Even as kids they'd insist their parents call one another so they could tell each other about their daily adventures. So Lauren was determined not to lose that.

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