Why did you choose him over me?

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"He's staler than week old bread, Walz, seriously." Dinah sneered without taking her eyes off the toenail she was painting.

"Hey, ease up," Lauren was quick to chime in because she knew how much Camila liked Matthew and the last thing she wanted was for the brunette to fall into a rut because she felt as if she didn't have her friends' support in her relationship. "He seemed okay. And look, he might not be our cup of tea, but Camz likes him so for her...we're gonna be friendly and patient." She gave the younger Cuban's knee a gentle squeeze as Camila's lips curled into a soft smile.

Lauren loved seeing that smile as well, it'd been missing for so long after Camila's previous boyfriend so for it to return...well, it warmed the green-eyed girl up again.

"I don't know how Lucy puts up with you two being so chummy," Dinah eyed the pair with skepticism that they'd grown accustomed to. "Lauren, you're not even this close with your own girlfriend."

This wasn't something new that they'd heard from Dinah; more often than not the blonde was calling them out on their affection but they paid it no mind. Since they'd met, Lauren and Camila had been attached at the hip and they would be damned before they allowed someone to come between them.

"Lucy knows I'm all hers," Lauren rolled her eyes, tossing an arm over Camila's shoulder before pressing a kiss to her temple. "But Camz will always be my ride or die."

"So you expect me to just...put up with Matthew Has-No-Personality?" Dinah rolled her eyes, sitting back with a satisfied smile on her face after she'd finished painting her toes.

"Yes, because you love me," Camila spoke up softly, hesitation in her tone and Lauren knew her anxiety was getting the better of her again. "Please, Di? I really like him...and after Shawn...he's a good guy."

"Besides," Lauren shrugged casually. "I will break every single one of his fingers if he ever hurt Camz," She smiled sadistically at her best friend beside her who nudged her ribs in a warning. "What? You know how this works. You'd do the same to Luce."

"I never have to worry about Lucy," Camila scoffed, that smile that Lauren loved playing on her lips once more. "You two are gonna get married, I swear."

"Yeah, you two put up with each other's shit so well," Dinah agreed. "But I will always stay true to Camren."

"You're delusional," Camila giggled softly and Lauren was glad to hear the sound because it always left her feeling light. "Lauren and Lucy are meant to be."

"A shame they can't just stick with each other." Dinah decided to poke the bear as she watched Lauren's eyes form a glare directed at her. "Hey, I'm just saying...this open relationship business is strange to me."

"We both get our freedom to do as we please with the full knowledge that we will always come back to each other," Lauren shrugged, picking up her phone as it buzzed in her lap. "I love her, she loves me, we just...like living our lives without restrictions."

"Weird as shit," Dinah scoffed and opened her mouth to say something else only to have herself cut off by the opening of Camila's bedroom door.

"Mija, are the girls staying for dinner?" Sinuhe poked her head in and smiled at the occupants in the room. "Hey girls."

"What's up, Mama C?"

"Hey, Sinuhe, how are you?" Lauren looked to the woman that acted as her second mother.

"Good thank you, Lauren," The older Cabello smiled at the raven-haired girl, her eyes lingering on the arm tossed over her daughter's shoulder but she'd learned many years ago to dismiss those things. That was just how Lauren and Camila were. "How's the family?"

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