29. Fucking Cock Blockers

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"I cannot believe this shit!" I raged in Italian, nearing pulling my hair out.

"Val, calm down!" Carla asked on the computer screen. "It's really not that bad."

"Not that bad?" I turned to face her. She flinched as if I was capable of doing her actual harm through the screen.

My luck was unbelievable. Someone had taken a picture of Ash and I kissing goodbye at the airport in Italy. Someone with much better luck than I, who happened to be at the right place at the right time.

Now gossip websites were speculating the nature of our relationship. Ash's batshit crazy fans harassed me online, leaving nasty comments and spreading hate on my profiles. It got to a point where I considered to give up on social media entirely.

"Okay, it's bad." She raised her hands. "Sorry."

I brought my hands to my face. "How could I be so stupid?"

"Well, to be fair, there's a lot of people backing you up."

I looked up at Carla, ready to tell her to go to hell when another Skype call rang.

"My God, Ash is calling... Again" I rubbed my eyes.

I wasn't in the least willing to talk to him. A part of me hated his guts for kissing me that day; the other part hated myself for corresponding so passionately. I had turned off my phone and ignored his attempts to make contact the whole day, even though I was as much to blame as him. I just didn't want to talk about it.

"Talk to him. You guys need to sort this out. I talk to you later."

Carla hung up, and I sat there, listening to my computer. I was torn between regret and longing. The ring tone died and I sighed with relief. Then it started to ring again, and I was actually startled. My nerves were exposed those days.

I nearly punched my computer when I answered the call. "What do you want?"

"I'm so sorry, skat. I saw what happened," Ash rushed to make an apology, and I hated myself for the warm feeling that spread on my chest when he called me his treasure.

"They're harassing me, Ash." I brought a hand to my eyes, avoiding to look at him at all cost.

"I know, I saw that too. Baby, I'm so, so sorry. If it had even crossed my mind that this could happen, I'd never have kissed you at the airport. I swear."

"I really don't want to go through this right now."

"I know." He raised his hands. "I just... I had to check on you, min Sol."

He sounded dejected, and it nearly killed me to hear him speak like that, but I kept my cool. "I'm fine."

"Look, you have every right to be mad at me. I should've respected your boundaries Now I get why you avoid PDAs with me so much."


"I just... I missed you so much, and I was upset that I had to go back home and leave you. I'm really sorry... please, don't hate me."

I finally lifted my eyes to his ever so sweet face. The puppy eyes were full on.

"Of course I don't hate you, Ash..." I rubbed my face. "What the fuck am I gonna do now?"

"Well, my PR said I should make a statement about it... To clarify that there's nothing for people to fuss about."

"And say what? That we're fuck-buddies?"

"I don't know! How about the truth?"

"And what is the truth, Ash? Please, enlighten me."

His lips parted, but no sound came out. He sighed, closing his eyes. "You're right. There's no way to handle this without backlash."

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