First Date?

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Logan's POV:
It's been a week since I talked to Alissa, nothing bad happened, I'm just so nervous to ask her on a date. I need to soon though, I don't want her thinking I'm not interested, she's the funniest girl I've ever met. We've been riding together still of course I just can't talk without sounding like I'm completely anxious. I sound so stupid but she's so different from any other girl, she's so special to me and I've only known her for 2 weeks.
Alissa's POV:
Logan has been acting so weird lately, we were talking so normally. It was like we've known each other forever and now he can barely get a sentence out without stuttering. This is a stretch but who knows, maybe he likes me? No, I shouldn't think like that but a girl can hope right?
*a week later*
Logan's POV:
It's been a whole week and I still haven't made any moves but I think today will be the day I ask Alissa out. What is there to even do though? All we've done is ride horses together I don't even know what she normally does outside of here. I guess I'll just play it safe and ask her to a dinner and movie, that's normal right?
            "Hey Alissa?" My heart is already beating so hard, "I think you're so amazing and I'm sorry if this is too soon, but would you want to go on a date?" She stands there for a second but it feels like forever, "Logan.. I thought you'd never ask!" I can finally breathe again, this moment was a huge step for me.
Alissa's POV:
I'm standing at the horse stables and all of the sudden Logan comes up to me looking troubled. Finally he says, "Hey Alissa? I think you're so amazing and I'm sorry if this is too soon but would you want to go on a date?" I'm in absolute shock, I never thought this day would come, I even get lost in a little daydream then I snapped back into reality and said, "Logan.. I thought you'd never ask!" The look on his face was pure relief.

*Authors note: This for you lalissa4life

Logan Paul Loves A Good HorseWhere stories live. Discover now