New Love Interest?

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Chestnut was an amazing horse, he was so fun to ride with day after day. It was just a plus that Alissa was there to talk to. They treated me like I was where I belong, sure I missed my family of course but this was just fun. I had been riding for about a week and not trying to brag but I got good fast. Alissa rode competitively on her horse, Annie. I want to ride competitively too but I'm not near good enough yet. Until then, I'll keep riding Chestnut for fun and talking to Alissa, it's obviously premature considering I've been here for a week but Alissa is perfect. She's amazing in every way possible and I've been trying to ask her to go to dinner or something but really all we've talked about is horses and how I'm liking Texas. Tomorrow I'm going to the ranch again and I think I'll finally work up the courage to ask her to go to dinner with me.
Logan has been here for a week now and he's so fun to be around. It's been awhile since I've had company I enjoy around here. Last time a boy I kind of liked was here, he was riding my horse and he got bucked off.. Embarrassing, right? Hopefully I don't mess anything up with Logan I honestly want this to work out, I know I've only known him for about a week but he's so amazing and we click so well it's like I've known him all my life. At least I wish I had, life has more meaning with him.

Logan Paul Loves A Good HorseWhere stories live. Discover now