Chapter 40: Parents

Start from the beginning

Casey had to look away and remind herself this torture would eventually end. Living was still worthwhile.

"Jesus." Casey muttered as Christian laughed at his own joke and her father smirked.

"Where is he then?" Casey's mum asked coyly, giving Casey a knowing smile.

"Sebastian?" Christian pondered, "He's around here somewhere. I'll send him over if I see him."

With that, Christian excused himself, smiling at Julie and Greg before walking away, undoubtedly back to his office.


Casey looked over her shoulder to see Felix standing there nervously, looking like he was about to have a panic attack. "Can you help me for a sec?"

"Yeah of course!" she replied, breathing a sigh of relief at the excuse to remove herself for a moment, "Mum, Dad, uh, make yourselves comfortable. There's seats and refreshments in the back corner. I'll be back in a bit."

Casey turned away and followed Felix back to the car, showing him how to conduct one of the checks he'd messed up.

"Don't worry. You're doing fine. We were all like this on our first day." she chuckled, patting his shoulder encouragingly.

Evan gasped loudly from the opposite side of the car, causing them both to look up.

"You didn't tell me your parents had arrived!" he said, looking over at Casey.

"I didn't realise you were waiting for that information?" she replied in bemusement.

Evan was off in a flash, jumping over a mechanic on the floor and throwing his arm around Julie as he reached them. Casey heard her mother scream excitedly as she saw who it was and pulled Evan into a suffocating hug.

Jacob had stopped to watch with a raised eyebrow. Casey giggled at him. "Mum was convinced Evan would be her future son-in-law." she explained, shaking her head. Jacob laughed quietly and nodded in understanding.

Casey probably took longer than she needed too, watching over Felix as he finished up his safety checks. She glanced over at her parents occasionally to make sure her mother wasn't swinging from the ceiling.

Evan was back at his post, chewing on a pen and chuckling as Jacob mumbled something in his ear.

"Okay, good to go I think." Felix announced to Casey, slapping his hands against his legs.

"Good! See. Told ya' you'd be fine." Casey replied cheerfully. Felix, who'd seemed rather nervous of Casey when he'd met her earlier that morning, now seemed much more at ease and grinned back at her.


"Yes Evan?"

"Are you aware that your mum is currently man-handling Heikki?"

Casey's head snapped over to he corner where sure enough, her mum was clinging to Heikki's waist and talking away at a million miles an hour.

"Oh God, please no." Casey said under her breath before quickly edging past Felix and hurrying over to rescue Heikki.

"Mum..." she began, approaching them and putting on her best attempt at a polite smile.

"Release the personal trainer." she coaxed under her breath, peeling her mother's arms away.

Julie was too busy talking to notice Casey's horror. Greg on the other hand seemed very amused by it.

"You're supposed to be keeping her under control." Casey hissed at him. He shrugged innocently in response.

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