Everything I Touch Dies

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Rhys is a real good guy. He didn't run away after I told him I had to kill Snart. He wasn't scared of me. He asked me what happened. I couldn't tell him that I had to rip Sart's throat so we could save the timeline and stop Savage. I couldn't tell him that I'm a werewolf. I had to go with the biggest lies I could muster. I told him that Snart was sick and was in pain. We were at the hospital when he told me to pull the plug. Rhys told me it wasn't my fault, which it is. He told me the one thing that no one has ever said to me: If Snart was here, he would tell you not to cry for him. You were doing what he wanted you to do. He was in pain and you took it away like he wanted it. That's when I knew I could trust Rhys. Out of everyone in this hell hole, he was the decent one.

It's been days since that night happened. Everything went back to normal. I didn't end up cutting up someone's friend. Pneumonia was spreading around here like crazy. People getting sick left and right, unable to move.

Michio was burning. He kept coughing as tears brim his father's eyes. I looked over when Rinko was coughing while Noshiko giving her a pained look. Michio's father got up and walked away, not wanting to see his son in such pain. My heart broke for the young boy. He coughed some more before groaning.

I grabbed Michio's hand. "You're going to be ok, kid," I whispered. Michio was burning up. Sweat dripping down his forehead as his eyes slowly shut. His heart was still beating but it was beating fast.

Then an idea popped into my head. I made sure no one was looking before I felt the dark tendrils coming up Michio's arm. He let out a small gasp as the tendrils slowly crawled up his arm and went up mine. I clenched my teeth as the pain started to get to me. Michio's heart was starting to slow down and went back to normal. He let out one small gasp before he fell into a deep slumber.

I turned my head to see Noshiko looking at me and gave me a small smile. I gave her a nod in return before Rhys walked up to her. I turned around and looked at Michio while listening to their conversation.

"Everyone's coming down with pneumonia," Rhys started. "And we are all out of M and B."

"M and B?" Noshiko asked.

"May and Baker Pharmaceuticals. It's sulfadiazine."

"I saw those boxes."  I saw those boxes, too. How could they not have enough M and B?

"What do you mean boxes? We only got one." My ears perked up as my head tilted in confusion. One box?

"There were three. Morgan and I saw them. I know we took a bunch of stuff off that truck, but we didn't take any M and B."

I let go of Michio's hand and stood up. I went over to the couple and snatched Rhys's log off him. I looked over it.

"Morgan, you can't -" Rhys began.

I shushed him. "Couldn't help myself. I overheard." My fingers scanned the list until I saw who sighed the shipment papers. I rolled my eyes before shoving the clipboard on Rhys's chest. "Of fucking course."

That son of a bitch doctor, Dr. Liston, was the one in charge of the supplies and he was using Merrick and Hayes for the delivery.

"You don't think Dr. Liston was using Merrick and Hayes to sell medicine on the black market?" Noshiko asked.

"Well, they're both shady as hell. Wouldn't surprise me," I sneered as I crossed my arms.

"Michio?" I heard behind. We turned around to see his father sitting with him.  His eyes wide as he touches his son's neck. "Michio? Michio!" He picked up his son and cradled his body close to him. My mouth flew open as Michio's dad cried for his boy.

I was the last one with him? Did I - Did I kill him? I - I did him. I - I didn't mean to. I was just trying to take away his pain. I didn't think it would actually kill him.

I flinched when Noshiko touched my arm. "Morgan, are you ok?"

I looked at Michio's limp body. I heard a little bounce and saw the small baseball he had dropped to the ground. "No, I'm not."


Everyone was going ballistic. Rinko was trying to get everyone to calm down. "Listen. Listen!"

I glared at the room when they kept talking. "Shut up!" They finally stopped.

"Thank you," Rinko told me before looking at the crowd. "All we have to do is go to the administration and issue a formal complaint." I wanted to facepalm myself. What's complaining in a corrupt camp going to do?

I could smell the anger coming off Michio's father. "You want to talk to them? Let's talk to them. Let's tell them how one of their doctors has been stealing medication and selling it on the black market."

"They'll listen. They have to," she said.

I leaned close to her. "Just because they have to listen doesn't mean they will."

Michio's father heard what I said. "She's right. They'll nod their heads with their condescending smiles. They'll say a new shipment is on its way. Any day now. While today...Today, my son is dead."

"I know how you feel..." Rinko started before she started coughing.

He shook his head. "No, Rinko. I know how you feel. You feel sick. I'm going to bury you next to Michio."

A low growl escapes my throat. Noshiko noticed and pulled me back.

"You want to know what I think?" Satomi asked as she continues her game of Go. "You won't even get a condescending smile. They won't listen to us. Why should they?"

Michio's father went to his chest. He pulled out an alcohol bottle with a little handkerchief on the top. He's making a molotov cocktail, oh how I hate those.

"I have a way to make them listen," he said as he held the bottle.


A/N: Riot next chapter! Don't worry, a few more chapters until the Legends return. And a little warning...some of you might like one of the chapters I'm planning on then hate me later as to why I did what I did.

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