Broken Window

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I've been waiting for Rip and the team to come get me for the past two months. But I didn't see the Waverider anywhere. I made sure my ears were perked up everywhere I go in case I hear the engines. That way I could ditch these clothes and go back to my life. The only people I talk to around here is Noshiko and Satomi. Satomi being the only wolf I can trust at the moment. When she's not with her boyfriend she's with us. Those goo goo she makes when he's around reminds me of Scott and Allison.

Now the only thing that was interesting was the smuggling. Every day a truck comes by with supplied goods, Noshiko and I would steal it to help the others. This treat today was apples. I never knew how delicious apples were until I bit into one. You understand how huge apples are right now. So people were really happy when we were handing them out, except this one lady who told us to keep our voices down.

"Guys, keep your voices down," she repeated for the umpteenth time. "There's plenty for everyone. But if the MPs hear, no one gets anything."

I gave Noshiko a look before rolling my eyes, which made her laugh. She was tossing a baseball she stole from one of the guards until a small boy ran inside the room.

"Michio," she called out before tossing it to him. The boy was really happy as he ran towards the corner of the room. I pulled Noshiko off the bunk before we made our way over to Satomi. "Any word from your friends?"

I shook my head. "Nothing," I said. And it's really getting on my nerves.

"What about your -" Noshiko looked around like before she leaned closer and whispered, "wolf."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't feel like ripping your head off." We made it to the table where Satomi was playing 'Go.' I took the chair in front of her and moved a piece. "So the glares behind my head need to stop, Satomi."

"I'm only being cautious," Satomi responded. Then she gave Noshiko a look. "You take too frequently. And you take too much."

"Should I give some back?" Noshiko asked.

I shook my head. "No." I took the aspirin bottle from Noshiko and slid it over to Satomi. "Because where is this one going to get her hook up?" Satomi gave me a look.

"I know you get migraines at least once a month," Noshiko explained. "And it was actually Morgan who took it this time."

"Well, what can I say?" I started. I moved another piece. "From one werewolf to another. It's the least I can do for not turning me in." Not that it would matter.

"I prefer to suffer," Satomi said before she slid the pills over. She glared at Noshiko. "I don't know what you've been telling Morgan for her to do this, but I know what you think of me, Noshiko. You think I am weak because I follow the rules. You think rules are for the obedience of fools and cowards. The young fox always knows the rules so she can break them. The older, wiser animal learns the exceptions to the rules."

Satomi moved one of her pieces before taking mine. Yes, I might have smuggled with Noshiko but not all the time. I have to lay low and keep hidden because I don't know this camp that well. Yes, I could break out and run but where would the team find me.

The annoying girl from earlier came over. "Listen, you three, all we have to do is stay quiet."

I smirked at her. "I can rip your tongue out if you want. Let's see how you like not talking." The girl was terrified of me. That's the only good thing here. But what terrified all of us was when we heard the windows break.

Michio looked terrified as his ball went through the window. It was like a switch went through everyone's heads and we started to hide the stuff. Michio's dad grabbed him and pulled him to their bunk.

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